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self mutilation

it helps to make people take the pain out that they keep within themselves.
those who feel numb to held emotional pain need to feel something. cutting feels better than all emotional pain.

'It's hard to stay between the lines of skin
Just coz I have nerves, don't mean that I can feel
I wasn't very much fun to be with anyway
Just let the blood run red cuz i cant feel'

by lilcuz December 5, 2004

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Penile Mutilation

This is when a demon comes into ur room at night and shoves a large object or a power drill into your penis. Thus destroying your penis entirely and making you a chick. Ways to prevent the demons from coming in ur room: wear a male chastity belt, take a shite and draw a cross on ur door with the shit in the name of allah, hide ur cock in ur bed partner. If you get penis mutilated you become a penis mutilating demon, and are force to go around town shoving snickers and what not into other mens penises.

Omg Todd why is there a snickers in ur bloody ripped open penis!? Jimbo
Idk It must have been one of those evil penile mutilation demons!

by PhagPhucker April 1, 2008

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mutilated lips

1. A song by ween
2. Some fucked up shit

1. Wow this song is great

by Mayoisyummy February 27, 2019

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Gentile Mutilation

When a non-Jewish man has a circumcision by force, for health, style, fun, sport or conversion.

"I can't believe that Edward is getting circumcised to marry Rachel. It's Gentile mutilation !"

"God is really hung up on the Briss. He mandated that Moses force mass Gentile mutilation of all the Goyim he captured."

"It's true that circumcision protects against a lot of STD's, but the program in Africa is still a case of widespread Gentile mutilation."

by RevDrDK November 14, 2009

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When someone (usually depressed or suffers from mental and/or physical illness) often cuts, wrists and thighs are most popular but it can go to rip ankles etc.

Girl1: hey Girl2 whats up!
Girl2:*quickly adjusts sleeves* Hey, im good
Girl1: what's wrong with your sleeves let me see if I can help *grabs her sleeve*
Girl1:*sees fresh wounds and previous scars* Are these from you self-mutilate ing?
Girl2: U-Ugh no
Girl1: you mean yes right?

by JulieMoore November 25, 2018

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Self mutilation

A form of hurting. Done to one's self by one's self. Now, I'm not sure about this, there could have been a time when this actually resulted out of depression, but in this day and age, it's becoming trendy, and popular. Everyone refers to themselves as "broken" now. Everyone thinks they have such problems. These people are called WEAK. Now sure, there are definitely people out there who have it pretty damn bad. But now, anything that makes anyone unhappy...they decide "Boo hoo, I'm gonna cut" WTF? Since when did "attempted suicide" become trendy?

"My parents hate me because they said I can't go to the Good Charlotte/Taking Back Sunday concert, so I'm gonna go cut myself so they feel guilty....>:)...I mean boo hoo"

by Marko December 21, 2004

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self mutilation

Quite easily the stupidest thing you could do when you're depressed or angry. Also, it allows emo kids and 12 year old Marilyn Manson fans to prove to themselves and friends that they are hardcore.

1) Look at me, I cut myself, I'm such a manic depressive.

2) Marilyn Manson would be proud! Hail Satan!!!

by Deathfuckingmetal May 7, 2005

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