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Pocket Paparazzi

The act or actions of digital camera owners taking or snapping an obnoxious amount of photos during an evening out, in hopes of obtaining enough of a photo journal to post on social web sites.

There were so many people taking photos during dinner I felt like they became pocket paparazzi.

by Jeanine W July 11, 2008

Paparazzi Flirting

When a person of social recognition (or status) steps into the public eye incognito, or just plain well dressed, knowing in full that the paparazzi will indeed be there. Just to give the camera a taste of their FABulous personal life, for publicity of course!

D-list Star: Did you see Brie sunbathing topless in rehab with that ridiculous sunhat and dark glasses???? She was SO paparazzi flirting.

D-list Star's Friend: Uh, yeah, right. *Doesn't get it*

minutes pass....

D-list Star's Friend: OHHHHH! Like that time Christina went shopping in 5 inch heels for Leica M.'s.

D-list Star: How pathetic!

by LIKKIUE August 7, 2010

Insect Paparazzi

1. A group of, or single photographer who goes to great length looking for insects to photograph.
2. People who are addicted to taking photos of bugs, spiders, beetles, Mantis, Arachnid, scorpion, etc.
3. A group of friends or a Bug Club who get together as an event to take photos of insects.
4. Entomologists or Citizen Scientists who look for interesting insects to photograph
5. Professional photographers who go to great lengths to photograph exotic, interesting, endangeredor new species of insects beautifully so they may get their photo into National Geographic or other publications.

"I am going out with the Insect Paparazzi today in the rainforests of Brazil"

"We call ourselves the Insect Paparazzi because the super stars of our would are insects"

by Go Ahead BUG me September 18, 2013

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Drama Paparazzi

A person (or people) in a group of friends who always knows about the dramas in the circle of friends, who is often called on to mediate between Drama Queens.

Two school friends have a falling out over a minor issue. The Drama Paparazzi step in and try to resolve the problem, so that the the relationship is patched up.

by ProsperityGirl February 7, 2010


The annoying parents who show up at every school assembly an hour early so that they can reserve the first two rows to set up their tripods and capture junior's fifteen minutes of fame for posterity on no fewer than six video cameras. Of course, they do not know enough about their equipment to properly charge the batteries or set the functions to "silent," so the entire evening will be punctuated with random whirrs and beeps, and no one sitting behind them (which, of course, is everyone) will be able to see or hear a damn thing!

I missed my daughter's flute solo thanks to the mom-and-paparazzi staked out in the front of the auditorium taping their son's oboe medley.

by Jane D'oh July 20, 2006

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A mother (or father: see paternal-paparazzi) that always takes photos or movies of her kids no matter what they are doing.

That mother is always taking pictures of her kids at the park like she is a member of the maternal-paparazzi.

by bigsky March 8, 2009

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facebook Paparazzi

When someone takes photos of embarrassing moments or doing things you probably shouldn't be doing, then uploads and tags them on facebook for all your friends to see.

"My girlfriend saw a picture of me licking some random chick... damn you facebook Paparazzi!"

by jhiugiygiuyhgoijh May 27, 2008

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