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phone it in

Perform an act in a perfunctory, uncommitted fashion, as if it didn't matter.

She sang the National Anthem, but she was just phoning it in as far as I could tell.

by octopod November 8, 2003

712๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž

phoned it in

Being generally lazy with a task. Doing it half-assed instead of with your full ass.

Guy 1: Did you watch the last season of the O.C.?
Guy 2: It sucked.
Guy 1: Yeah, they really phoned it in on that one. They just kept killing people off and making up new characters.

Man 1: I phoned it in on work on friday. I basically did nothing all day but eat a sandwich.

by JDtheReviewer December 14, 2007

149๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Phoned it in

(verb) to have completed an action, especially giving a performance, while showing a minimum of effort.

Generally used to refer to performances that border on unprofessional. The intended audience would have been similarly disappointed if the person had delivered the performance by speakerphone, in order to spend more time on leisurely pursuits.

"Her song and dance routine at the music awards was horrible! She looked out of shape, she forgot half the words... she basically just phoned it in."

by Agent337 September 26, 2007

94๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A device that was originally created for contacting someone over long distances without much effort.

Today, there are many variations of the phone but most of them do every stupid thing that you don't need it to do. Because of this, the corporations jack the price up to inhumane levels.

It's still possible to get a normal phone which does what it was originally intended to do but if you have one your friends will make fun of you.

I got this new phone and could not figure out how to make a call on it. I could, however, summon a giant robot and arm a nuke fairly easily.

by Bloodbath 87 March 6, 2009

316๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž

phoned it in

to put in a half assed effort at something, but complete it. Often pertaining to work which is complete and pretending to have worked a long time on, when in fact little to no effort was put into it. Derived from deciding to not physically attend a meeting in, but rather to be present by phone only.

Even though he had a huge project due Friday, he went to a party and got hammered Thursday night. He totally phoned it in.

by Bonexaw December 27, 2005

335๐Ÿ‘ 97๐Ÿ‘Ž

phone in

When a person's heart and concentration are not really in the present moment or activity. They are detached and distant.

As Jane kept glancing at the clock on restaurant's wall and looking at the front door, Seth wondered what was causing her to phone in to their date.

by Lavender12 January 18, 2016

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The things that we all are stuck in until we drop it, slamming it on the ground in pointless rage, and text our friends on. After that we begin to watch memes because when life comes at you, damn you gotta hide your depression with memes.

Example 1: ``Mom, buy me a phone.`` Example 2: ``Wow wanna get poked?``

by robotb6 February 19, 2018

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž