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playful pirouette pivot

Refers to da humorous "waist-grasp and reverse-direction-swing" action dat ya perform wif a hot chick while you're out strolling da beach/countryside wif her, and you realize dat either (1) it's getting late in da day and so ya wanna be sure of getting yer snuggle-bun "back home to her mama" before dark, or (2) one or both of you has chores/appointments dat you shouldn't be late for, or (3) you've already trekked quite a long way, and so you're concerned dat one or both of you might get weary/achy legs if you journeyed any farther and then hadda clomp all da way back again.

Whenever Tiffany and I are out for a walk, I always smilingly employ da playful pirouette pivot --- complete wif a chuckly-musical "B-d-d-d-d-d-d-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-u-h-h-m-m-p-p!" sound as I twirl her halfway around --- to help take da "sting" out of da fact dat we hafta start heading back again... sooooo much more pleasant dan simply saying, "Let's turn around now."

by QuacksO November 8, 2018

Playful pastel

A muted tone also known as not seriously pastel.

Wow those playful pastels are so pretty.. they are the same as muted tones

by Sad brains December 2, 2020

playful funny

some stupid gacha video where the afton family is stuck in a room for 24h

micheal: and i tagged along with it because i thought it would be playful funny :crossing his arms depressed emo:

by pussyqueef July 28, 2024