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Noun: pour-q-pine
A female who has had many sexual partners and is known for her promiscuity. This term is derived from the idea that if the female in question had as many cocks growing out of her body as had been in her body she would have the appearance of a porcupine.

Ex: (Two Friend having conversation)

"Hey man did you see anabelle in first period, she's got a great ass."

"Yeah, but I wouldn't hit it, I hear she's a mayjor porcupine!"

by joecamel April 2, 2009

49πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


When a girls pubic hair is extra sharp right after she shaves and it stabs your skin while fucking her.

"She gave me a Porcupine and it hurt the whole entire time."

by PaPa ZiTT November 30, 2006

100πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž


Fisting a girl and suddenly extending all fingers once inside.

You should have seen the look on Cindy's face when I threw down the porcupine!

by Spitfire82 December 4, 2010

32πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


A very strong and painful orgasm, which feels like sharp objects are piercing your genitals.

"Stop! You're gonna give me a porcupiner!"

by JOE July 26, 2004

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Verb-To stick a man's awesome spiked up hair in a women's pussy, pleasuring her.

Tyler porcupined Becca so hard she rewarded him with a ham sammech.

by ForrestDump September 19, 2010

42πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


Where you and your girl are having sex with a porcupine, a game is played where whoever by the end of the sex has the most quills in the ass is the winner. The winner usually gets bragging rights to their parents as the intercourse is usually insestual.

Sam: so did you and Cheryl do anything last night

John: ye ye bro me and Cheryl were porcupining!
Sam: yooooo! Please tell me you won.
John: of course I did dad you know Cheryl follows mom for her inhability to porcupine.
Sam: that’s my boy

by ReeceCarCrashWheelwright October 17, 2018


A person holding libertarian, minarchist, or anarchist views, particularly one who lives in New Hampshire.

"I think Smith saw my baggie; I'm about to have the cops called on me."

"No, you're good. Smith is a porcupine; he minds his own business."

by Anarchist June 17, 2017