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preserve my sexy

To harness ones sexuality in a way that allows for one to purpetuate it for the future. in a sense, to preserve ones sexy is to secure their sexy from injury, destruction or relative harm and decay.

I use proactive solution because it helps me moisturize my situation and preserve my sexy.

by a_con January 6, 2010

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Sonoran Preserve

Scott started a 10 acre fire. Got busted by cops and made mushroom cloud

I went to the Sonoran Preserve and made a fire.

Scott went to the Sonoran Preserve and made a fire

by Johny Hargarty Jones September 30, 2005

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preservation through destruction

1-To remember something vividly by destroying it completely.
2- To keep something only after destroying it.

"At 250,000 miles, all we had left of that truck was it's preservation through destruction."

"After the apocalypse, it was said that cities were to be remembered by their preservation through destruction."

by Mike Losquadro November 5, 2006

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The Self Preservation Society

1) See 'The Italian Job' (Original, dumbass)
2) A small group of people in North-East Kansas, who have a pact to preserve each other's entire bodies in jars when they die, so that generations aftr them can learn what it is like to scream in horror.

1) 'This is The Self Preservation Society'
2) 'I pledge to pickle my brother, and uphold the sacred laws of The SPS.

by Stephen W. Thomas May 13, 2005

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Village Green Preservation Society

The Kinks are the village green preservation society.
This phrase is derived from an album called

"The Kinks are The Village Green Preservation Society," released by The Kinks in 1968. It was uniquely out-of-step with its time. Everyone else was singing about rippling rainbows and purple trees, Ray Davies was singing about a happy England which never really existed in the glory in which he paints it, but which could if everybody listened to this album!

God Bless the Village Green and God Save The Kinks!

The Village Green Preservation Society:
"We are the office block persecution affinity,
God save little shops, china cups and virginity."

Village Green:
"Out in the country, far from all the soot and noise of the city,
there's a village green.
It's been a long time, since I last set eyes on the church with the steeple, down by the village green.
It was there I met a girl called Daisy, and kissed her by the old oak tree."

by ray davies is wise April 30, 2011

cal aero preserve academy

bruh wtf why are all the hot girls emo

Guys why th is all the hot girls emo??? Such a cal aero preserve academy.

by 249872 October 20, 2021

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F.D.A. Approved Certified 100% Whole Organic No Added Flavours or Preservatives Homosexual

A 'F.D.A. Approved Certified 100% Whole Organic No Added Flavours or Preservatives Homosexual' is a completely homosexual person who is undeniably a part of the LGBTQ+ community. Their homosexual energy is so strong, they could make the American Navy seem like heterosexuals. Anyone who is a F.D.A. Approved Certified 100% Whole Organic No Added Flavours or Preservatives Homosexual is awarded the honours of being the absolutely biggest homosexual in existence.

Koki: Look over there! That bozo over there! They're 110% gay, I am sure of it! They breathe in a homosexual way!

Vee: (gay breathing)

Koki: Yeah, they deserve the F.D.A. Approved Certified 100% Whole Organic No Added Flavours or Preservatives Homosexual award.

by KokiHiro January 25, 2023