Source Code


Rafe Cameron

I’m a proactive person Sarah!!!”

by user190783 August 9, 2021


Rafe Cameron

Im a proactive type of person Sarah!!”

by user190783 August 6, 2021


A word dumb poeple use to sound smart.

"Whats your opinion on the matter, Bob?"
"Oh, well I'm proactive."

by T April 25, 2003

237👍 147👎


The things you do that you don't have to do that make all the difference when it's to late to do anything about it!

Bobby is so proactive

by zowie123 February 4, 2010

38👍 39👎



Being fucking active

I'm a proactive stoner

by Proactive stoner November 28, 2018


according to me, proactive means getting some other significant information, then getting the desired information and then recalling the desired information

by darshan g godbole August 28, 2003

24👍 63👎


When a guy ejaculated all up in a bitches or fags face.....named after the facial cream proactive...."facial"

Dawg i gave that bitch a proactive last night i was like skeet skeet all up in that grill like uhhhhhh

by jeffrey allen smith October 3, 2006

27👍 86👎