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a black man either wearing ghetto clothes or bitching about how much his pathetic gangster life sucks.

JAYZ is the biggest rapper around.

by Maggot666 February 17, 2005

104๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž


an guy who sings about jewelry, pimpin, alchohol, and his stompin ground

Q: Why do rappers always get hit by cars?

A: Cuz thur from the street.

by hizzlefoshizzle July 15, 2005

95๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž


A black man screaming about the 'hood.

Dr. Dre is such a rapper.

by Strayfire September 23, 2004

113๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž


some punk ass n00b who has no talent and so just talks fast. uses alot of swearing, and degrading terms to act "cool". often very derogetory to minorities or women, often have no respect for police, and whine because they are too stupid to stay out of trouble.

"look, a rapper...... SHOOT EM!"

by Dack9 March 14, 2005

108๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž


Used to be a formal word to describe an urban street-poet. Now it describes anyone who can make up as many cuss words within one minute or talk obscenely about drugs, violence, sex, and money while playing an infinitely-looped drum or synth sample in the background.

Puff Daddy and Eminem are not real rappers.

by AYB February 23, 2003

146๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. One who expresses himself through the urban street poetry form called "rap". 2. A formerly unique form of black urban street cultural expression now completely neutered and watered down as rendered part of the safe timid white mainstream thanks to big business. It's gone from an attitude and a method of expressiong your troubles, woes and worries to an image that sells everything from phones to fast food. When McDonalds is using rap as part of its advertising campaign, it's time to pull the sheet over the patient's eyes, the spirit has long since departed.

Eric described himself as a rapper even though he isn't black and can't rhyme to save his life.

by dan January 26, 2004

775๐Ÿ‘ 795๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who writes and recites an art that very few people can master, and sadly, very few rappers have talent and are rich and famous regardless off of apparel and bullshit 'gangsta rap'. The misconception is "rap" does NOT mean "gangsta rap", that's just what the common consensus uprooted from talentless pricks like those members of N.W.A.

You can't recommend an artist in a definition for this for all the idiots who did, because rap has many forms of art, not just the ones you see fit to be heard. For instance, I like rappers like Eminem and Wordsworth because they do the impossible with being able to rhyme the same phrase over and over. Other people might like Andre Benjamin from OutKast because he's very poetic.

Sadly, most rappers will talk about women like sex-objects and other senseless shit like that, and that shit just has to end. They get the impression that they're really pharaohs, projecting the image that they're superior and it sickens the hell out of me... A lot of people think that's what art is, so I guess I can't judge, but it's pathetic regardless. Prove me wrong.

Whatever the case, most intellectual people who really enjoy rap or produce it themselves (even if they pretty much only do it for a hobby like me) don't ever listen to a rapper for their trash-talk about the common trends. They listen to rappers who actually hold a portion of the art (even IF they're gangsta rappers, that's just not WHY they'd listen) in them and orchistrates it beautifully.

An artist can create magic, whether through a paint-brush or music, and a real rapper can beautifully illustrate a mental image like a painter can beautifully illustrate a visual image.

"Man, PLEASE turn that Ludacris bullshit off and put on some real rap!"

by Cerb3rus May 23, 2005

480๐Ÿ‘ 525๐Ÿ‘Ž