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Reality is what you make of it.

"Reality is what you make of it" - Bender, Futurama.

by Bluestone April 6, 2005

29๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


How you perceive the world around you.

if someone perceives your poop-shoot and your mouth as the same thing then your an asshole

by Hawk February 15, 2004

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Reality has become a commodity - Steven Colbert

Steven "Reality has become a commodity"
guy "no its not"
steven "oh ya look it up on urban dictionary"

by curtis 109 January 31, 2007

14๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


The wordexperience/word, perception of what one believes to be real or to wordexistword.

Mostly based on human senses; vision, hearing, feeling, smell or taste.

Sometimes based on a extention of the above, formed by wordreasoning/word or wordlogic/word.

"This virtual reality is soo cool."
"After the matrix, reality doesn't quite seem so real anymore."

by BelgainDSoul August 12, 2003

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In the United States, it's anything outside San Francisco.

Reality is a state of mind, except in San Francisco where it is not present.

by krock1dk@yahoo.com November 28, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


a whole lotta shit, some times fun, some times not, but its kinda all the same- so make something of it

Reality contiunes to runin my life

by Nater June 2, 2003

12๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) Is what you come back to after saying something completly insane.
2) whatever you are doing right now.

1) First person: "who am i?"
Second person: "reality you goon"
2) staring at another persons definition of reality when you are clearly not in it.

by Lozzza September 1, 2006

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