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Iowa Slip n Slide

The act of sliding down a slip and slide that a bunch of naked dudes are standing over. As you slide down your face slaps into the dudes dick and balls.

Matt slid underneath a gantlet of naked dudes and thought himself "this is a nice Iowa Slip N Slide."

by flaworkhorse July 12, 2018

Dominican Slip ‘N Slide

When a group of teenage boys gather together to cover themselves in soap and slide naked in the showers together.

Hey man lets get the boys together tonight to get a Dominican Slip ‘N Slide going.”

by bryce4noles April 11, 2019

24👍 1👎

Slip N Slide

Verb. To "slip" or place a hit of excacy in a feemale's drink/beverage and later on "slide" one's penis into her vagina.

Yo Andre, I'm gonna do a little slip n slide on Kelly.

by Zander747 June 18, 2007

13👍 61👎

Kentucky Slip N’ Slide

When one busts on themself and there female companion scoots there vagina back and fourth over the cum creating a Slip N’ Slide on the males chest.

Last night I gave a girl a ride on the Kentucky Slip N’ Slide.

by CoastalCowboy69 June 2, 2022

Stockholm slip 'n slide

Deliberately slipping from vagina to anus during sex without the female partners permission.

I really wanted to anal Erica but she wasn't keen so I had to use the Stockholm slip 'n slide.

by Pffffttt December 4, 2011

13👍 1👎

Serbian Slip N' Slide

The Serbian Slip N' Slide is when you're doing a girl from the back on a linoleum floor and as you're about to cum, you pull out and shoot your jizz in a perfect arc over her onto the floor in front of her. Then, you proceed to donkey punch her so she slides across the linoleum floor to the other side of the room.

Dan - How'd Lindsey break her hip?
Chris - Oh, well I gave her the ole Serbian Slip N' Slide last night.

by Beat_The_Peters December 11, 2010

188👍 48👎

Sean's Slip 'n' Slide

The act of pouring a liquid down a females cleavage and retrieving it with your mouth at the women's vagina

I used Sean's Slip 'N' Slide on Roxane to finish that bottle of Jameson

by Sean Christian January 3, 2011

19👍 3👎