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What windows users spend their time bitching about instead of learning Linux.
If you want to get rid of/prevent spyware, and are too damn "busy" to learn some Linux, you probably should quit using default windows browsers (Internet Explorer) it is a piece of shit. Use Mozilla Firefox... Its a free web browser, that will save your life. Maybe you could even get a firewall, who knows, the possibilities are endless. Wipe your HDD if you have to, just don't spend time and money on spyware "removal" utilities

Windows user: I must be rally stupid.
Linux user: Yes you are.
For all windows users: www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/central.html
download and use that browser, its the best

by Lee November 25, 2004

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Spyware is basically any piece of software that is installed in your computer without your knowledge. They can do a number of things like for example, taking over a part of your system, say your internet browser and always bring you to their site whenever you type an address. There are multiple versions of these kinda programs. Another common one keeps track of what you do online and offline and sends this information to its own company, or sells them to other companies.

Get rid of them by using Ad-aware or Spybots, found in www.download.com.

by http://zuldevil.rocks.it March 3, 2004

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Spyware is installed without your knowing. It is able to change your homepage, give you massive porno ads, change your WALLPAPER (I know a friend that it happened to) and slow down your computer. Get rid of it using ad-aware. Also see saten, evil, geeks malware and adware

Would you like to subscribe to a free hentai E-Zine?

-Spyware popup

by Jim June 21, 2004

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Microsoft Windows - You don't even know about it because it is in the OS. When installing Windows 10, it show a window where you can turn the spyware off. But they made it look like something that will help you, so many people are still spied on.

Let me reinstall your OS, you need to get the spyware out of your computer. They've been spying on you all along.

by Yamushii January 12, 2021


A Program that is created to steal personal information that is on your computer. Spyware is also used for advertising (Pop-Ups). The Best Adware/spyware Remover is "Ad-Aware" Its Free And you can get it from Download.com

Some BullShit Spyware Stole My credit card Info.

by ! JAY ! ( XBORNKILLA2K4 ) January 31, 2005

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spyware quake

Spyware Quake is a fake spyware-removal program that actually is spyware in itself. It is characterized by a gray-silver program that says it removes spyware. Also, two alternate HTMLs come up called "Online Security Guide" and "Security Troubleshooting". These come up as green and blue shield symbols with checkmarks. Your computer will continue to remind you that you are infected with spyware, even though these reminders are part of Spyware Quake itself. Spyware Quake is downloaded through VCodec.

Do not download VCodec, otherwise Spyware Quake will appear on your computer.

by KALINSKY April 14, 2006

spyware whore

Any company who frequently includes spyware with their software, (ususally freeware or shareware). The company may issue frequent updates (like Bearshare) to ensure that the unaware keep it installed in their system.

The word indicates a company relies upon spyware for a major part of their revenue.

I can't believe you just downloaded Kazaa. They're a real Spyware Whore!

by 4x4_Man July 31, 2005

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