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A completely useless file sharing program that's nearly impossible to get for free. It sucks only a bit more than LimeWire, but still beats the shit out of Kazaa.

See also bitch, computer killer, etc.

BearShare is a bitch. Just download it on BitTorrent.

by RawrxXiHateDrama July 31, 2006

65👍 44👎


A progam which you can download music.

I used bearshare the other day to download these songs.

by goosie April 11, 2004

25👍 38👎


A great P2P file sharing program which has fast servers and download times, i highly recommend Bearshare.

Did you download that song on Bearshare?

by Little_chris October 20, 2004

84👍 69👎


Downloading Program...way better than kazzaa and limewire. only EMUlE can beat it.

"hey i need to use bs...let me on the comp"

by AnDizzle Phamizzle Foshizzle mizzle nizzle March 14, 2005

31👍 47👎


the best P2P filehsaring program ever created by anyone in the world ever. also a cool name.

Rob sent me bearshare last nite, i downloaded the new slipknot single so fast i almost jizzed my panties.

by Euan Reid aka Wilf McGilf May 14, 2005

32👍 50👎