Source Code


transport that has a metal surface, used as a canvas by a graffit artist.

man i painted some steel last night.

by MC Boonge August 14, 2003

3πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Usually born in the south, a Steele is typically outgoing, smart, funny guy who will always brighten your day. Not to mention he is the perfect example of the quote, β€œIt isn’t the size of the wave it’s the motion in the ocean”. Even though all Steele’s have above average genitals. A Steele is stubborn as a mule with anybody but when he cares about someone he’d take a bullet for them. Lastly a Steele always show the upmost respect for woman that he cares about.

Girl: Did you hear, Stephanie is dating Steele. She says he’s the best guy she’s ever been with in all categories.

by Internet_Based_Facts December 23, 2017

40πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


An amazing guy who's loving, funny, cute, kind, caring, hot, handsome etc... He always knows how to make you laugh or smile even with the simplest of words. He's a complete and utter dork sometimes as well. If you know a Steele you're definitely lucky to be around him, even if he makes his own little mistakes you're not perfect either. He's overall a pretty amazing guy to be friends with or to be with.

Hannah: "Look it's Steele!"
Mic: "Omg I love that dork soo much!!!"

by mic.writes June 25, 2017

42πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

The Steel

Something that in Power Metal you either fight with, fight for, are made of or many other verbs when the songwriter is too lazy to come up with something original (Manowar).

Fighting the demons with steel in hand! With a heart made of steel for the steel in the land. Yeah!

by zoooooooom January 15, 2007

36πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A rare name usually given to the male gender. they have been known to carry a huge penis and be amazing at sex but do not come with the extremely annoying egos. they're caring, lovable, sexy but hard to come by. they have also been known as the God in disguise. many have lived to be over 100yrs, even with excessive abuse of alcohol. occasionally a Steele will loose his temper and do something foolish but will have huge remorse/regret the next day. A charm with the girls, very loyal and understanding. if in a relationship with a Steele do not let him/her go as they will probably be the best thing that has happened to you.

Tracy: oh my fucking god quick look over there!

James: why? what is it?

Tracy: It's a fucking Steele. quick take a photo

James: Yeaa! Holy shit i just blew my fucking load. got the photo!

by chessclub91 July 17, 2010

281πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž


Another word used for a kid with an extremely large penis/or genitilia, often

Female: Hey Steele, pull out our immensely large penis
Man:With pleasure

by Jeremy S. December 3, 2007

595πŸ‘ 426πŸ‘Ž

The Steel

Common name for the abandoned buildings of Bethlehem Steel on the banks of the Lehigh River in B-hem.

Yo, man, did you hear about Ethan? That guy got busted trespassing at The Steel.

by Southsidex3life August 25, 2007

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž