Source Code


Stevenage Transmitted Infection - like a sexually transmitted infection but the origination of the infection is from Stevenage, most likely the leisure park.

My mate from work caught an STI after chomping into a girl on the leisure park

by Bestos001 September 29, 2011

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sti money

covid-relief Stimulus Check payments to US citizens

Let's go party, just got my Sti money!

by MrrH March 20, 2021

internet STI

The viruses, add-ware, and spy-ware you get on your computer from downloading porn.

My internet STI is giving me pop-ups!!!

by Fliggs September 20, 2007

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A Subaru 4-door sedan

WRX stands for- World Rally Cross
STI stands for- Subaru Technica International

The full name is Subaru WRX STI

by Max-e-Mouse September 10, 2008

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Assisted STI

One who helps a friend capture an STI

for example spitting in your mates eye or puking in his pint or jizzing in his kebab. (assisted sti)

by webby7 April 28, 2011

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STI Limited

Similar to the regular Subaru STI, except that it has a small spoiler in the back, leather heated seats, fog lights, sunroof, black chin spoiler, and they were only produced in 2007. Subaru only sold them in 2 colors and there were 800 in total built.

"I just saw another STI Limited! What are the odds of that?"
"About 1 in 800 dude."

by JiveMasterT March 28, 2009

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STI Lover

A person who actively seeks to catch STI's just so that they can brag about it at parties and to friends.

Girl 1: Stew was telling everyone about the clamydia he'd caught last summer
Girl 2: What, is he an STI lover or something?
Girl 1 (sighs) Yeah....

by Ilovenoodles June 13, 2014

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