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Tank is a drink that has been adopted by the students of Christian Brothers high school. It is very potent and contains a mixture of beer, vodka and lemonade. Use with caution. (24 beers, handle of vodka, and 4 cans frozen yellow lemonade concentrate)

Man, let's make some tank.
We're gonna tank it up tonight.

by milo / ralphie January 21, 2005

48๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž


Adjective: To end in failure. (Related to the expression down the tubes.)

Possible origins:

1. To pull the chain on an old fashioned elevated toilet tank in order to flush fecal matter from the commode.

2. Flushing something down the toilet so that it ends up in the septic tank.

3. When a prototype ship model design fails hydrodynamic testing in a water-filled tank.

4. Naval aviators who fail to pass the dunker (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training) which is conducted in a large water tank.

When did our relationship start to tank?

My grades are really tanking this semester.

During testing the new ship design tanked straight away.

Ensign Smith just tanked the HUET test.

by HarpoonJohn February 24, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone, usually a warrior, who takes hits in a role-playing game so the more powerful mages can wordpwn the monster

I need a tank so I can take on the level 150 black dragon.

by pur1337 October 8, 2003

30๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. v- to screw some one incredibly hard. Usually up the ass. Deriving from a halo game in which one of the players got their ass impaled by the tank barrel. Happens in a lot of prison showers.

2. n- the very cool black guy in the first Matrix who was the operator. He was one of the coolest people in the movie and basically knew everything. He was born in the real world and avenged his brother's death.

3. n- a heavily armored military vehicle

4. v- to purposefully fail at something. Much like to bomb.

1. Nick dropped the soap in the shower and got tanked by "Bubba".
I tanked your sister last night and she still can't walk.
Your mom has been tanked so many times that her vagina is the size of the Grand Canyon.

2. Tank- "We're supposed to start with these operation programs first. That's major boring shit. Let's do something a little more fun. How about... combat training."

3. The t-55 tank has been produced more than any other tank in the world. Used since 1949 they combine a high-velocity gun with a highly mobile chassis, a low shilouette, and exceptional long-range endurance.

4. I tanked my biology test because I already had 107% in the class and my friend didn't want me to wreck the curve.

by neomaverickninja May 13, 2005

19๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


An adjective describing a person who is very large tall and/or fat who is not affected by alchohol in small or medium amounts because when consumed it is dispersed into the large body and is very weak.

Dude, he is a friggin tank! He downed 27 coronas and is completely sober!

by Peter March 20, 2005

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


to have intercourse with,
to get/be drunk

man I got tanked at steves house, then this chick came round and i tanked her all night long

by missilepenguin June 21, 2004

13๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


To describe something really awesome. If you were to accomplish something or approve of something you might use the word tank.

Thats pretty much a tank. Cool beans.

by Maddie Hope November 19, 2005

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