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Heal slut

A healer who gets sexual satisfaction from serving a tank dom or dps dom. Commonly found in Overwatch, WoW, FFXIV etc. r/HealSluts/

I enjoy being a heal slut for my dom, hearing him degrade me on voice chat as I ride my dildo with a plug up my ass.

by HSPearl May 28, 2017

149๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Heal slut

a sexually driven relationship between a healer and those they heal similar to a little and a daddy.

THE TRUE MEDIC is totally my heal slut now

by Toxic rose August 16, 2016

76๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

sexual healing

1. a treatment where a person's inner turmoil and emotional pain is healed by good loving romantic sex.

2. a euphenism from a classic 1983 Top 10 hit by that name by the late great soul superstar Marvin Gaye.

1. Man I feel rotten today! There was a lot of assignments at work today and we had go thru some stupid Mickey Mouse rigmarole to get anything done. Also, who let these idiots out on the road? Don't anybody know how to drive in the city anymore? Still, after I get home, eat dinner and shower and cool off my baby can give me sexual healing and I'll be OK again. It'll be good for me and her.

2. On the TV comedy "10 Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter" Katie Sagel asked John Ritter (R.I.P.), "Do you believe in sexual healing?".

3. When I saw Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band live in Columbus, Ohio in 1999 Bruce and Little Steven sang the lines "It takes 2 baby
It takes 2 baby
For me and you..." at the tail end of the 1981 hit "Two Hearts" as an obvious nod to Marvin Gaye. At a later song the band detoured into playing the Al Green/Talking Heads hit "Take Me To The River" and in a ritual he often performs on time Bruce told a fictional story of how he got started in the rock'n'roll business and how the E Streeters came together. He talked about how he went to "the river of redemption with the healing waters of sexual healing". Then he shouts, "I ain't bullshitting you!" Then he went on, leading to band member introductions and finally goading us with "Do I have to say his name?" to introduce the "Big Man" Clarence Clemons.

This dialog is repeated night after night in some form. It's featured on the double CD release "Live in New York City" from the same tour I saw them on. That album's show was also broadcast on a HBO special.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice June 15, 2009

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sensual healing

Using affection, either physical or emotional, to help someone recuperate or generally feel better.

Man I am so full of affection right now and I know the girlfriend had a crappy day at work. I'll cheer her up with some sensual healing tonight.

by elBlandie February 23, 2011

healing cock

A trope common to romance novels and fanfiction, in which all of the hero/ine's problems are solved by contact with their One True Love's penis. Particularly egregious when the problem being "solved" is trauma from rape or sexual assault.

"That story looked like it was going to have a realistic account of Jack's issues after being tortured, and then they all got handwaved away after one application of Ianto's Healing Cock."

by Pascentia January 24, 2010

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textual healing

the act of consoling someone via text message rather then taking the time to talk to them over the phone.

when i get that feeling... i need textual healing.

by adamtenspeed January 7, 2009

31๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

healing crystal

A crystal that actually used to heal the user back in the days when Faeries roamed the earth. Now used by New Agers that think it still works in modern times.

Naddavitch:"I've had the runs since August 2000. Got anything that could help me?"
Enya:"Here, try my healing crystal."

by Braveheart's thirst for blood March 4, 2007

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