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a man of godly status. Many times reffered to as a straight up white guy. One of the few people on earth who try to act white. Extremly intelligent but the stupidest man alive. very funny but at ones own expense.

"DAYUMM!!! that kids sooo Quinn!"

by Reap66 September 24, 2008

827πŸ‘ 496πŸ‘Ž

The Quinn

A sex move where you bonk the shit out of either a journalist, to get a praising article written about your creation, or a judge in a contest, to win said competition.

My video game wasn't doing that well, but ever since I did the Quinn with that guy from Kotaku, I got all the exposure I need.

by Faggy McFaggerson September 2, 2014

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


better than morgan

guy: is that Quinn

Morgan: ya hes way better than me

every one else: ha ha ha ha ha

by bigboiQuinn September 7, 2018

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The act of winning an argument through sheer persistence and stubbornness, rather than through logic or skillfull debate.

After two hours of mindless battle she was able to quinn the argument.

by AFriendWhoThinksThisIsFunny August 18, 2009

442πŸ‘ 272πŸ‘Ž


An amazing, outgoing girl, she is usually a loner when meeting new people or at a new school, when you have a chance to pick up a Quinn, do it there is no getting her back. You see her eyes and it seems to make you smile, everyday when you see her you get a tingle down your back and a sudden feeling of wanting to hide, or run away from the moment, but once you do you don’t get it back. She is a cute romantic person.

Person 1: Have you seen Quinn around today?

Person 2: why? Do you like her or something

Person 1: well, everyone does!

by Leela71108 November 13, 2018

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The cutest guy you will ever meet. As soon as you see him you will fall in love with him!! He may be rude at times but he makes up for it because he is the best friend you can have!!

Girl 1: Whoah he’s cute
Girl 2: Oh, you mean Quinn?

by I_love_baby_yoda February 10, 2021

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Quinns have big dick energy and always turns everyone on with his bulging muscles. He has chubby cheeks and is confident in everything he does.

Hot Girl: Wow. Look at that bulge, he must be a Quinn.

by Tristan Simpson December 28, 2021

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž