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Today, a form of intellectual self-masturbation in which one attempts to scale an ivory tower in the shortest time possible. Policy debate was founded in 1957 in an attempt to disguise the throes of the real world with dignified, "intellectual" switch-side arguments. The framers intended it to allow young people to become more active in the world around them and encourage them to do something to help the ailing world. Instead, debaters made the activity into a competition of who could spew the most statistics, impacts, horribly damnable effects/results, screaming evidence at cutthroat speed, and modern debate sprouted as a result. Debate resides close to the top of the proverbial "ivory tower", as the real world gets translated into evidence and impacts, statistics and "strats" to win tournaments. Those who participate for the fun of it are exempt from this definition; it is only applicable to debate when it is applied as a critical theory that can "benefit the world".

Debate, when converted into a social theory, becomes a laughable mockery of the suffering of the world.

by Kazhakkey Szervusz-Thackur October 11, 2005

685๐Ÿ‘ 207๐Ÿ‘Ž


used to catch de fish

by asd August 31, 2003

619๐Ÿ‘ 365๐Ÿ‘Ž


noun - It's like wrestling, but with words!

Sometimes they get on the wrestling bus, but not on purpose!

by Alan Barnes March 15, 2004

171๐Ÿ‘ 221๐Ÿ‘Ž


MY LIFE. policy debate is absolutely the best thing to happen to anyone.

a form of debating in which two teams of two argue pro and con (aff and neg) against the given resolution. various forms of argumentation include counterplans (alternate option for the aff plan), kritiks (cirticisms of the methodology of the aff plan), and disadvantages (potential risks that result in major impacts to the aff plan).

i debated that person and whooped his ass with my agamben k.

damn that guy debates. he is finnneeee.

i'll impact turn YOUR da, HO!

by the K whore July 1, 2005

162๐Ÿ‘ 265๐Ÿ‘Ž


A process where extremists give each other air time

See CNN, MSNBC, and FOX NEWS for examples

by nanikore June 17, 2005

37๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž


To sit around and get stoned while chatting with friends.

Joe: Dude, let's debate.
Frank: Hell yeah dude.

by Curt October 11, 2005

31๐Ÿ‘ 144๐Ÿ‘Ž


To remove the wings from a bat causing it to transform into an actual mouse. Once debat'ed a bat turned mouse (aka bat-born mouse) cannot be rebat'ed, as sufficient technology does not yet exist to perform this complex biologic process. However, a native mouse (mouse-born mouse) may be bat'ed in the right laboratory setting. Under stringent lab conditions found in only several labs in the world (most notably Lucerne, Switzerland) a mouse can be fitted with genetically engineered wings grown from tissue culture using advanced cloning technology. Fitting a mouse with these wings (bat'ing) causes the mouse to become a bat.

A notable distinction in the process of debat'ing occurs if a bat that is debat'ed was in fact a vampire. Under these conditions, a vampire bat that is debat'ed becomes a human being. A human being fitted with wings, on the other hand, does not become a vampire, rather, said individual would become Icarus.

Dude, where did you get that cool-looking mouse?

I caught a bat that was flying around our attic and debat'ed it.

by VenVanWrinkle February 19, 2012

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž