Source Code

liberal toliet

A toliet with hardly any water in it that has to be flushed several times because it works poorly. An idea by liberals who wanted to conserve water.

The liberal toliet is clogged again.

by adrianne November 8, 2004

153πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž

Toliet paper

The softest, most useful material on earth. A beutifal soft piece of paper used to clean anything wet or dirty. Usually coming in a roll, and used mainly in the bathroom.

"I used the whole role of toliet paper after that dump"

"Bro, here's some toliet paper to wipe that off"

by A dead man January 16, 2018

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

√toliet paper

Used to describe the translucent jumbo rolls of "toliet paper" found is such places as hospitals, college dorms, bars, etc. It takes about 50+ sheets of "toliet paper" to wipe sufficiently & usually rips off one sheet at a time

I'm sick of using the √toliet paper to wipe my ass with at work, I may have to bring in a roll of charmin

by jifter November 7, 2010

15πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Toliet Attack

A code/alert meaning to lock you bathrooms from the outside and grab a bowl to poop and pee in and head to a closet. Toliet attacks happen when a angry, blood thirsty toliet becomes loose. You know if you toliet is mad if it shows sign of mocking, begging, or singing the song "Blood Bath". Toliet attacks need to be taken very seriously.

News Reporter:Toliet Attack Alert! A toliet is on the loose! Lock you bathroom doors and get into a safe area!

Secretly Infected Toliet: Come on please sit on me!
Person in Bathroom: No, I don't have to go!
Toliet: So, it couldn't hurt!
Person: No, why don't you just shut up!
Toliet (mockingly): No, why don't you just shut up!
Person: That's it, I'm leaving.
Toliet: No, stay!Um..(hesitates) Blood Bath! Blood Bath! AHHHH!
Peron: Oh my gosh, I'm calling the KTJL!What was that number again?

by Killer Toilet Justice League January 31, 2010

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Skibbidi toliet

A random meme that blew up and it is just a fuckin head in a toilet watched my 4 yos

Hey man you watch skibbidi toliet?

by Man45784629376587263 September 21, 2023

51πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

toliet babies

After you cum in a girl she goes to the bathroom to squeeze the cum out!

I shot my load in her and she went the bathroom and made toliet babies

by howard sterb August 4, 2006

11πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

toliet tank defecator

Somebody who intentionally shits in the cistern (toliet tank).

You don't want to invite Tom to the kegger, because he is a habitual toliet tank defecator!

by Telephony January 4, 2011

30πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž