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Very common misspelling of the word toilet.

When the misspelling is input into a computer speech synthesis program, it can come out sounding like "to'LEET", "TOL'ee'et" (like Juliet from Romeo & Juliet), or "toe'LYE'et" depending on the speech synthesis program used.

For example, it sounds like "toe'LYE'et" on the SAM speech synthesizer for the Commodore 64 computer.

Hey Homer!!!
Are you flushing those springs down our toliet?

by Telephony December 8, 2011

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pee IN the toliet, not ON the toliet!

An admonish men given to males with bad aim while passing micturition.

I just had cataract surgery; now I can pee IN the toliet, not ON the toliet!

by Telephony June 15, 2014

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pee IN the toliet, not ON the toliet!

An admonishment given to males with bad aim while passing micturition (pissing) into a regular sit-down toliet bowl.

I just had cataract surgery; now I can pee IN the toliet, not ON the toliet!

by Telephony June 15, 2014

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toliet muscle

A phrase that simply means butt, ass patootie, etc.

The pink starfish is located near the center of your toliet muscle.

by Telephony July 12, 2014

paper toliets

What some children call toliet paper (bungwipe, buttwipe, TP, etc.)

Mommy, the paper toliets are out again!

by Telephony January 6, 2014

toliet fart

A fart that happens when somebody is sitting on a shitbowl and they decide to cut the cheese.
Farting while sitting on a toliet causes the fart to be amplified by the bowl and gets a bit of reverb action going as well for the same reason.

{John}: Jesus! Mary just cut a toliet fart!! You can hear the fucker halfway down the block!!!

by Telephony February 12, 2015

toliet Nazi

Some assclown who leaves only a couple of little pieces on the roll of bungwipe (just enough to cover the merferator) so that when you go to wipe, there isn't another roll and your fingers are subsequently besmudged with feces.

Son of a bitch motherfucker cocksucker! The last one that used the head was a toliet Nazi so I had to rip the roller towel down and wipe my bunghole off with that!

by Telephony December 31, 2014