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Carpet Snake

A smooth operator who likes to fly under the radar. Comes across as nice and well intentioned but be weary, as soon as the opportunity arises they strike.

Keep them away from the wife.

Don’t give them anything they can use against you to their advantage.

Generally less is more with these types.

Old mate is a real carpet snake, give him nothing because he’ll throw you under the bus

by Chips Magee June 10, 2022

Jungle Snake

Jungle Snake: (noun) A beautiful woman that you take home drunk from the bar but when you go to do the deed a massive snake hits you in the forehead

Man I brought this girl home last night, she was hotter than Shakira in a too piece, but when we went to do the deed it hit me in the face, it was at that point that I knew, this was not a woman, this was a Jungle Snake

by farmtruck532 November 24, 2022

Solid Snake

1. The greatest character ever to exist. The man who makes the impossible possible. The main protagonist of the METAL GEAR franchise (the best franchise).

2. To execute an action flawlessly beyond human ability.

3. To infiltrate like a boss, a Big Boss

1."Solid Snake makes my snake absolutlely solid."

2. "You're gonna have to pull a Solid Snake to finish this boss fight."

3. "I'm gonna have to Solid Snake my way into Harvard."

by WarHasChangedShadowMoses October 15, 2017

Snake in a bottle

a penis inside a vagina

Eric: "Yaa you shouldda been there yesterday. Totally got my snake in a bottle"
James: "Nah dude that's impossible. You a big virgin."

by Edgar Tarsh November 9, 2019

Jake the Snake

A fraud dean who betrayed the entirety of the student body of my school. He rather us die walking there than give us the day off in a month where we don't have any.

Student 1: Yo did Morris send out announcements?

Student 2: Yes Jake the Snake on that bs right now.

by StopJake2017 March 15, 2017

Jake the Snake

Lost in a boxing match by forfeiting because of a bunch of excuses and then chatted like he couldve beat the terminator.

I'm feeling tired and need to work on my stamina, oh you're like jake the snake.

by SpicyMuffin24 October 2, 2020

ledge snake

When someone is stopping you from getting back onto the stage in Super Smash Bros.

Stop being a ledge snake Tomas and let me grab the ledge.

by nmorganelli March 5, 2021