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Fly-Eyed Gonzo

The look attained when squeezing tight the male scrotum in the bath so the balls look like flies eyes above the penis, which resembles the nose of the muppet named Gonzo

"Your genitals look like a fly-eyed gonzo"

by SlightlySubversive January 9, 2012

when bison fly

An alternative to da classic "bacon-'n'-spareribs"-worded facetious phrase meaning, "never".

If Duke da Golden Retriever had asked Jay Bush to agree dat he could reveal da secret family recipe "when bison fly" instead of da snout-and-curly-tail-equipped animal stipulated in da ad, perhaps Duke could have just gone out and bought a box of buffalo wings to show to Jay, and thus saved himself da trouble of outfitting said wild-boar ancestor wif a glider-body and motorized propeller.
Yeah, yeah, I know --- a BISON and BUFFALO are technically two different animals --- give me a little artistic license here, okay???

by QuacksO July 26, 2024

flying rusty

Mile high tit fuck

Ol girl gave me a flying rusty in the airplane bathroom

by X3Trickster June 15, 2017

That will happen when pigs fly

A saying that once meant something would never happen. Rendered obsolete with the advent of the police helicopter.

“Cops aint gonna catch us, that will happen when pigs fly!”
“Bro the police helicopter is listening, shut up”

by Wypipo whisperer August 22, 2019

Flying Marshall

A Jewish slang for DP

Yo did you do the Flying Marshall last night?

by Desplat December 4, 2020

Watching the squids fly

A glitch in Minecraft, which is used as a method of keeping yourself entertained while you wait for your friends to get back online so you can prank them.

"Well, until my friend gets back, I suppose I'm just sitting here watching the squids fly."

by Fruitcakebro August 21, 2023

Flying cat

To find a flying cat you will have to first get a sheep 2 get a frogs foot 3 go to the nether in Minecraft then you will be able to Simon this creature

Hey bro I just summoned a flying cat

by Alligator_king23 April 22, 2022