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A tool that a leader uses to gauge themselves on how many times they use self centric words such as: "I," "Me," or "My." The leader can use Me-O-Meter to determine when they should use more team focused words such as: "We," "Our," and "Us."

Employee: "You're a terrible leader. Using my Me-O-Meter, I noticed that you always use words like " I," and "me." You never mentioned of us busting our asses doing the real work. We are the ones who got you your promotion sir."
Boss: "WTF is a Me-O-Meter?"
Employee: "Fuck you."

by McHesp August 2, 2020

Newton meters

The unit of moment

If Sally sits 5 meters away from the pivot of a seesaw, and has a weight of 600N. The moment is 3000Nm (Newton meters).

by Nonexistent person January 19, 2022

47 meters down

Best show everrrr! Watch it like....NOW! What are you waiting for STOP READING THIS ITS ON NETFLIX WATCH IT...sorry enough screaming but you really won’t regret it! Period Pooh.

Watch 47 METERS DOWN it’s a scary shark movie

by 47 meters down April 6, 2020


Noun - when a person doesn’t take more than 2 baths annually

Take a bath aj you stink-meter!”

by TMMike February 6, 2022