Source Code

Frank The Dragon

Right after you cum in a girl's mouth you plug her nose and hit the back of her head making your cum blow out of her nose

Hey guys last night I just gave someone Frank The Dragon

by rondo quando May 14, 2022

dragon year

a year that corresponds with the fifth animal sign in the Chinese zodiac and occurs once every 12 years.

The dragon year has really got off to a bad start.

by Goddess of the universe October 17, 2015

Luck Dragon

The little bit of jizz that comes out sometimes when you pee after having sex.

Better grab some Plan B, babe. I just dropped a Luck Dragon.

by 5kin5uit December 10, 2022

Wake of the Dragon

A Chinese phrase meaning the smoke that follows the opium pipe or the state of being high that accompanies use of opium.

"Don't ask him questions now, he's in the wake of the dragon."

by Phoenix2305 May 29, 2012

Velocity dragons

Worst gaming team out there , trash team , trash owner he has a head like a bowling ball🤡🤡

Velocity dragons is a trash team

by Velocity dragons June 22, 2019

Savage Dragon

An ex girlfriend that speaks poorly about her ex boyfriend to her local community to the point where all the other women think that the guy is a chauvinistic brut.

Did you hear what Shelley said about Sam? That bitch is the definition of a savage dragon.

by charger0828 September 22, 2010

Riding the Green Dragon

When one consumes too much monster nitrous, often resulting in too much energy and outbursts of creativity.

Bro: Dude I worked a double over time last night
Dude: Bro, wow how'd you pull that off?
Bro: Dude I was riding the green dragon all night.

by Northeastern Protech June 6, 2011

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