Source Code


the thing you shouldnt break


by toasted912 July 22, 2019

Medtech Life Pvt Limited

We at Medtech are constantly working on innovative technologies and designs to bring nothing but the best to our customers. Every product sold here comes with a dedicated 1 or 2 years warranty (depending on the product) from the company.

Medtech Life Pvt Limited Get all your home healthcare products right at your door step with a click of a button. The products are directly shipped by the company ensuring authenticity and quality of the product and giving you the best shopping experience. Caring for Life!

by Medtech Life Pvt Limited October 12, 2023

limits fn

A really sweaty name in fortnite, but the people who have that name in fortnite have tons and tons of potential but they always say that “people spam them” there pretty good in fortnite and they always help poor little bots by teaming up with them. The people who have this name can pump people really good, they can become as good as soar cricket’s

Limits fn is sweaty he doe be helping them poor bots

by yurabott May 23, 2020

Limit of proportionality

When a wire or string is stretched and it’s extension is no longer proportional

Harry reached the limit of proportionality

by de Broglie November 2, 2017

Limit Up

1). Being absolutely full. Could be construed as a negative.

2). Being maxed out. Usually construed as a negative.

3). Maximum price increase allowed on a futures contract in a single trading
day. Almost always construed as a positive, unless you're short.

1). "Man, since the economy turned around, my schedule's been limit up."

2). "My Visa was Limit Up after I went out with that Golddigger.

3). By the time I got on the floor this morning, half my deck was Locked Limit Up.

by Mr C. December 11, 2003


Restricting options to a predetermined outcome

The system limitates us in this way

by limitator December 8, 2016

Speed Limit Larry

A driver who goes the exact speed limit, and not any faster.

Oh great looks like we’re stuck behind a speed limit Larry

by Goldendust September 19, 2023