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United Abominations

1. A Megadeth album
2. A Megadeth song

(1) United Abominations is the 11th studio album from heavy metal group Megadeth. United Abominations is conisdered the best album of 2007. It is truly a masterpiece already has some legendary songs. The songs in the album are heavy, fast, and thrashy. The album also contained a remake of "A Tout Le Mode" with "A Tout Le Mode (Set Me Free)" which featured Lacuna Coil singer (and sexy) Cristina Scabbia. The album artwork features Vic Rattlehead in a make over.

The best songs are

"Washington Is Next!"
"Gears of War"
"United Abominations"
"Play For Blood"
"Γ€ Tout le Monde (Set Me Free)"
"Never Walk Alone... A Call To Arms"

Despite the greatness of the band, the radio, Grammy's, and mainstream America ignored the album and Megadeth once again. They (media) instead publicized Paramore (singer needs a dynamite in her mouth to go boom), Jimmy Eat World (Jimmy! Eat bullets!), My Crappy Romance (Lack Parade sucked), Kelly Clarkson (overated), Carrie Underwood (Before she sings), Taking Lack Sunday, Avril Lavigne (needs to shut her mouth), and Foul Out Boy.

However, United Abominations peaked at #8 on the charts thanks to fans and Gigantour. Megadeth shows what rock is all about! So, I suggest listening to it.

(2) A song from Megadeth, where the lyrics slams the United Nations. The song is slow, but then goes fast.

(1) Tom: Hey! I think MCR's "Black Parade" is the greatest album of all time!

Sleazy Guy: Uh, you said the same thing about Kelly Clarkson's new album.

Tom: So!

Sleazy Guy: Then, you said the same thing when Foul Out Boy release the crappy album.

Tom: Oh, ok, let me hear your best album, Mr. I think

Sleazy Guy *slaps Tom*: shut up and listen

"Sleepwalkers" play

Tom: This is too good! Wow, this guy is talented! Wow, those other bands I love are emberassing!

Sleazy Guy: I know, my suggestion is line them up against the wall and execute!

Tom: what's the name of this album?

Sleazy Guy: United Abominations (1) (2)!

by Sleez Boy April 8, 2008

147πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

musical abomination

~abominable, scandalous music
~the opposite to an eargasm
~music which causes disgust or hatred
~downwright crap music, poor quality and repetitve sounds

#The Sex Pistols MAY HAVE BEEN SEEN AS a musical abomination to some weirdos
#Crazy Frog , although catchy for some people, certainly is one

by Pollie October 14, 2007

17πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Abominable Snowman

Before entering a movie, buy a box of popcorn. Do NOT eat it. During the movie, engage in sexual behavior, pulling out pre-ejaculation. Let your load off all over your partner, specifically in the facial area. Proceed to dumping the box of popcorn over their head. Watch and enjoy as the abominable snowman terrorizes the theater.

like omg! an abominable snowman like totally attacked us during Hancock!

by Rapidshare July 11, 2008

91πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

fashion abomination

someone who REALLY pushes the limits of taste, but thinks s/he looks great

Cameltoe at work is such a fashion abomination! (unless you work in Adult Entertainment).

by Alyssa N. October 12, 2006

16πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

abominable snowman

Mythical creature thought to live in the Himalayas. Also known as Yeti.
Sightings have been reported from Napal, China, and Siberia and other areas of Asia.
The abonimable snowman is said to be over 7 feet tall and have a heavy coat of white hair, allwoing him to camouflage in the snow of the mountains.

"Oh no! its the... the... abominable snowman!"

by fukkkerz August 23, 2007

36πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

abominable retard

A grown ass man or woman that wears a full on snow suit in public place such as work or a shopping mall.

Look who walked in the door is that who I think it is? Yep it’s the abominable retard herself.

by Homeless Guy's pants January 31, 2018

Abominable Snowball

A sex act in which someone ejaculates into another person's mouth. That person then holds the ejaculate in their mouth for a period of time for no less than 1 hour. After the period of time has passed and the saliva/semen mixture has stewed in their mouth, this person then kisses another and forces the mixture into another person's mouth.

Dave: I picked Dina up for dinner last night, but she gave me the strangest kiss before we left. I think she was eating soup or something before hand, it was so salty.

Greg: Dina? She blew me yesterday afternoon. You think it was an abominable snowball?

Dave: Well fuck, that's the third time this month.

by Son of Stone November 2, 2013