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The act of "half cumming" in which a man can feel ejaculation coming on, and then, at the first twitch of his scrotum, can control and then stop the orgasm, thus creating stamina he didn't know he had!

Jack was in full control until his girlfriend started screaming for him to come which caused "pre-ejaculation", but, after much concentration about tennis, he was able to stop his scrotum from twitching, and instead of cumming, rode for another hour and 11 minutes!

by jjsanantonio April 29, 2010

47👍 29👎

party pre-ejaculate

When someone gets wasted at the beginning of a party and has to leave or passes out. It can also refer to the phenomenon of making party plans for Saturday night but getting so drunk or staying up so late on Friday that you can't make it.

You: "Dude, you left my party at 9pm. What happened to you?"

Me: "I party pre-ejaculated."

by angelossary April 19, 2010

5👍 1👎

pre-mature ejaculation

Pre-mature ejaculation is when you fire you're load before you finish you're climax. The BITCH AIN'T SATISFIED

TCHU was banging a hot girl and he started to Pre-mature ejaculation before he whipped his pants off

by P.HONGG September 13, 2006

34👍 21👎

Pre-Board Ejaculation

When you write up a car deal and count it before its delivered.

Wow you Pre-Board Ejaculationed the whole week!! What the Hell

by CJ Romig July 18, 2008

8👍 4👎

pre-party ejaculate

Situation in which a person becomes so intoxicated while hanging out with friends, that they pass out or black out before going out to bars

Person #1: "Oh man, what the hell happened last night?"

Person #2: "Bro, I knew you were gonna pre-party ejaculate drinking that scotch, bro; you barfed in the cab on the way to the bars.

Person #1: "Did I hook up with anyone?"

by JSBizzle September 21, 2011

Pre-new year ejaculate

When people start saying "see you next year" the last week of December right up until the 31st at 11:59.

On Dec. 26th, Sam said to Dave, See you next year.
Dave replied to Sam, "Did you just Pre-new year ejaculate me?"

by Filamena C January 7, 2010

1👍 12👎