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How well she aligns with your values has no relationship to how good of a candidate she actually is. Trump is currently ahead. The zealots have been emboldened by the assassination attempt. And their strategy is just to run a parallel campaign where they point backwards at you and bloviated about how fucking stupid you are.

Hym "Her alignment with your values has no relationship to whether or not she's capable of winning. And nobody give a shit about how virtuous your goals are. You are only the good guy to you."

by Hym Iam July 25, 2024

False Alignment

To leave a big gap in front of your car so that you're right next to the car in the lane next to you. Typically, it's a technique used to admire another car, its occupants or both.

"I pulled a false alignment so I could check out the hottie in the convertible."

by Steve Capstick June 27, 2006

Religiously aligned sexual preference

Aka. R.A.S.P.; When an individual is only sexually attracted to people who practice same religion as them

Janice is a devout Catholic and she is only sexually attracted to people who also actively practice Catholicism. She has a religiously aligned sexual preference.

by Vanguard 1998 April 5, 2021

Aligned Mortgage

The best mortgage company for Veterans!

"We should call USAA! They work hard for our Veterans."

"Nah! We should go to Aligned Mortgage. They are the brain surgeons of the VA Benefit."

by Jason Riddle November 30, 2021

Jewish alignment

Having all your money in order by value and facing the correct way

I hate it when someone gives me change and the bills are backwards or upside down, I always have to give it a Jewish alignment.

by I piss knowledge March 6, 2023

genderfluid male-aligned lesbian genderless pedophilic polyamorous zucchini

Someone, often with blue hair and heavy breasts, who identifies themselves as a queer zucchini. Common pronouns include zucchini/zucchiniself, im/valid, ze/zir, and i/hate/your/opinion. If you refer to a genderfluid male-aligned lesbian genderless pedophilic polyamorous zucchini as "he", "she", or "they", you are violently misgendering them and deserve to rot in a hole along with Adolf Hitler. Anybody who is remotely skeptical of this identity is actively contributing to genocide. Also, a genderfluid male-aligned lesbian genderless pedophilic polyamorous zucchini is typically welcoming toward a polyamorous relationship with up to 35 participants, as well as a relationship with a minor between 13 and 18 years of age.

I identify as a genderfluid male-aligned lesbian genderless pedophilic polyamorous zucchini.

by daddddy donald May 22, 2024

1👍 1👎


1, place or arrange (things) in a straight line.


give support to (a person, organization, or cause)-

1, Measure and cut each runner so that the slots are aligned with line AB

2, Veterans from any war have minds, have experiences, have opinions and align themselves with one political ideology or another.

by asdofhsdlogbodbc January 1, 2020