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Eric Clapton

The whitest guitar player alive, a man who plays with ยญthe feel and emotion of
a wet dishwag.

'God' of ripping off black blues players.

Eric Clapton, 'God' of inadvertently ripping off black blues players without credit.

by st April 21, 2005

48๐Ÿ‘ 234๐Ÿ‘Ž

Eric Clapton

One of the most one overrated guitar players of all time. Compared to Jimi Hendrix he's barely a guitar player. Don't get me wrong, I think Clapton is a great guitarist but I'm tired of my grandma telling me how amazing he is when I've listened to a lot of his stuff and have his records. Jimi Hendrix kicks his ass by far.

Eric Clapton is not "god" -_-

by Pleading The Fifth January 13, 2012

6๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

eric clapton

A blue-meanie

Many people have a premise that Eric Clapton is God. That is wrong. To find out who is the real God see Roger Waters

The PRos and Cons of HitchHiking

by CatherineInRock January 8, 2004

23๐Ÿ‘ 171๐Ÿ‘Ž

Eric Clapton

excessive drooling while giving a blow job.

Does anyone else Eric Clapton when giving oral?

by MUA Psycho October 14, 2012

4๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


when you're so baked that your last name turns into clapton.
(being clapped outta your mind)

Bro, i'm so blazed i'm (name) clapton

by BlazedLord2k May 16, 2023

Go Clapton

To suddenly change your current guitar genre, image or musical direction as a guitar god in such a drastic and shocking way, that your current fanbase needs hospitalization because of their parallel sudden identity crisis. Clapton, Bob Dylan and Gary Moore are examples of sudden musical career turns.

โ€œHe warned me heโ€™d go Clapton on me and deliver a blues record instead of a new euro metal album.โ€

by Gurbz September 3, 2020

Emily Clapton

Emily Clapton a short blonde bitch whose addicted to drugs and sex

You see her thatโ€™s a Emily Clapton you donโ€™t wanna be here

by The pussy eating machine September 15, 2020