Source Code


high on marijuana, stoned

wanna blaze? wanna get blazed? man was i blazed!

by ihaveissues November 16, 2004

2112๐Ÿ‘ 259๐Ÿ‘Ž


high off ur ass.
the best thing in the world.
me, rite now

i just hit my bowl and i madd ripped

by pothead October 11, 2003

1174๐Ÿ‘ 448๐Ÿ‘Ž


when you are so fucked up on mary ja wanna that you cant see straight

tim is fookin' blazed

by Joe April 12, 2004

826๐Ÿ‘ 337๐Ÿ‘Ž


See high or stoned. To be in a particularly happy state of mind after consuming canabis, or marijuana.

That guy jus had some bong hits, and now he is blazed.

by Groog August 30, 2003

485๐Ÿ‘ 206๐Ÿ‘Ž


The result of smoking marijuana.

Man im so fukin blazed.

by DeStRuCtErSback April 26, 2005

303๐Ÿ‘ 147๐Ÿ‘Ž


when you get high on weed

Dam, she so blazed she can't even stand upright.

by G balla bling bling May 23, 2005

365๐Ÿ‘ 191๐Ÿ‘Ž


being so high to the point where you have to grab something just so you wont float away.

honey oil gets you blazed

by djoche December 5, 2006

94๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž