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Back the days when things were more pure. To court meant to ask to date in the long lines of engagement to marriage. But now in the urban age " court " is a new reference mainly used in the black community. It now means to have sex with someone. Or planning on doing so. When you pronounce the word you pronounce it with a QWART ( long W sound ) QWWWHAHT

1. Did you see Katie today in that mini-skirt? * whooo* I just wanna court!

2. I've been going threw a dry spell lately. I so need to court! Where the girls at?

by Ceejae December 20, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


Court is cool... Why? She just is.

Court is soo cool.

by Cassssssss March 27, 2004

49๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž


a place where groups of bogan-like people like too display there lack of teeth and smoke every ten seconds.. also aboriginals thinking they are african-americans is not acceptable in the court house waiting room

*punchs lawyer... OIoioioi mateee, can you represent me in Court..

by gsdgsd9 April 21, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


a fabulous girl who does whatever she wants, whenever she wants, and usually gets away with it because of her supremely good looks.
fine,a ballah,effortless,crazy,thirsty,

she can keep you on your toes

"Wow did you just see her?!"
"Who court?"
"YEAH. how did she just get away with that?!"
"Because she can... shes court. would you stop her?"

by 6feettall December 27, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.A camel toe on a girl;as in OUR CT

Yesterday i walked by some fine looking court on these girls.

by NHS-flordia March 19, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

courting death

Mostly used in Chinese novels.

Said when someone has overstepped another persons bounds. As a warning/attack sentence.

A: ha ha, i stole your pet
B: you are courting death.

by Patriarch Reliance April 20, 2021

popped a court

Accidentally revealing a spoiler to a tv show, book, or movie during a conversation.

You mean she kills herself at the end?!! You asshat! You totally just popped a court and ruined the entire movie for me!

by sohorob June 1, 2011