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Crane Fatty

A person so morbidly obese that they literally can not move unless transported by machinery.

In the movie 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape', the kids are ashamed of their mother because she is so obese. So obese, in fact, that she is a crane fatty.

by Donald P. March 21, 2009

kyle crane

The most awesome video game character ever to exist.

This guy is as athletic as kyle crane.

by FrogguFresh February 1, 2017

crane fly

That giant mosquito lookin' motherfucker that doesn't bite or fucking do anything, really. They're easy to catch, but can freak the fuck out of you.

"WTF is that shit on the wall mate?"
"That be one fucking big crane fly..."

"Bro, that's just a crane fly, chill the fuck out"

by thefugees February 27, 2012

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The Crane Wives

The best band of all time. An indie-folk band from Grand Rapids, Michigan, they describe themselves as "home grown indie-folk outfit from Grand Rapids, Michigan that defies musical stereotypes." Sounds kinda pretentious, but they're a great band.

My favorite song by The Crane Wives is Hollow Moon.

by Rennie22 October 6, 2020

Crane Girl

Girls from a particular school in Oregon, usually they are as loose as a 2 dollar whore, stink like the ocean, and their breath smells of penis. They are most known for their actions of being total cunts.

That girls breath smells of penis, it is probably a Crane Girl

Guy 1: Do you smell that ?
Guy 2: It’s just a Crane Girl with her legs open .

Man : why you gotta be such like a Crane Girl
Girl :just because I ride dick every night doesn’t mean I’m a Crane Girl

by GrampaChip March 30, 2018

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Denny Crane

Phrase used after a moment or action by the speaker characterised by a combination of supreme competence, arrogance, swagger ,charisma and a victorious outcome.

Also a character on TV show Boston Legal who is in my opinion a golden god and the greatest man alive.

During a bball game as some homie fell down after i broke his ankles i passed it off the heezy to myself and threw it down.
After a short pause i confidently and sharply stated "Denny Crane".

by Tim Morro July 10, 2006

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Ichabod Crane

To cancel something because of weather, even if the weather conditions aren't that severe.

Expression originated in a school district just outside Albany, NY called Ichabod Crane Central School District ,which would cancel school for snow, even if there were two flurries, or better yet, even if there was no snow.

Everybody in the Albany area wished they went to Ichabod Crane in the winter.

Well, even though it didn't rain, they went ahead and Ichabod Craned the picnic.

Well, there's a 20% chance of snow, so I guess we'll have to Ichabod Crane the road trip.

by Zadok the beast April 11, 2009

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