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random crit

An occurrence of a critical hit happening at a seemingly arbitrary time. This phenomenon is usually associated with games such as Pokemon, Team Fortress 2, and other games.

More often than not it is viewed as a crutch/dumb luck and as quick relief from a situation that would otherwise result in your failure or death.

*Player 1 dies*


Player 2: rofl QQ more your tears are delicious

by SomeKoolAznKid February 28, 2014

Crit Pig

A criterium pig is a little heavier than a roadie and may smell a little funny from time to time. They're always desperate to race their bikes, rolling around in a pigsty, they call a criterium track. When push comes to shove - with little white envelopes awaiting - they get ready to drop a shoulder and open their snouts, while putting their curly tails in the air to go for the win!

Man, that guy is racing criteriums so much! He's turned into a real Crit Pig.

Have you seen the way Jonny get to the front of a criterium race at the end! What a Crit Pig.

by An Aspiring Crit Pig January 31, 2019

Emotional Crit

What one says after hurting another's feelings enough that they are left completely Speechless (or possibly in tears)

Mark: Steve, you're such an unbelievable prick that I hope you fall down in the middle of a construction site because you broke both of your legs and then have each and every muscle and bone crushed into oblivion as a JCB runs over your corpse...

Steve:*overwhelmed at the previous statement but at the same time fearfully anticipating this possibility*


by I'm that guy who watches you! January 18, 2011

18๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Another word for Moonkin, the greatest spec in World of Warcraft. This term comes from the chicken-like appearence of the form and the +5% crit buff they give

{LookingForGroup}{Okoknp}: LF1M H MGT! Need kickass DPS
To {Okoknp}: I iz crit-chicken!
*Okoknp invites you to the group*

by Stuppski April 22, 2008

21๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Random crits

A vary balanced mechanic that in team fortress two that will occasionally deal more damage than normal and fucking annihilate the enemy if they get hit by a critical boosted attack.

guy 1: I love when I get killed as heavy because a direct hit crocket does 300 fucking damage
guy 2: Random crits are fair and balanced and break stalemates

by Snake_sixtysix June 25, 2021

Crit Rocket

crit Critical Critical hit
A term used in Valve's 2007 game, Team Fortress 2 (Short term: TF2) by players to define a rocket shot by the Soldier, along with a critical hit with the rocket to make it an instant kill. Fairly frowned upon by the TF2 community, sometimes can be considered as rocket whoring and is similar to rocket whore, whoring, etc.


Teammate: Damn, that guy is getting a lot of Crit rockets

by someguy12345 March 5, 2008

49๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crit Clit

Clitoral irritation suffered by professional female cyclists. Flare ups occur after having to sit at the edge of your saddle for a prolonged period of time. Those suffering from crit clit are usually in a terrible mood and tend to yell , elbow, and chop your wheel for no apparent reason.

Stage Racer: Man, you made so much money after winning that Criterium last weekend ! I bet you're going to go shopping on Monday !

Crit Racer: No, I'm saving up all my prize money so I can get Labiaplasty. My crit clit is sooooo bad right now.

by KimmyGibbler June 19, 2013

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž