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dead beat dad

A loosly coined phrase in an attempt to cast all blame on the divorce, kids problems, ex white trash...I mean wifes problems, etc. Of course the ex never had anything to do with any of the marriage problems. Was put through school by the "dead beat dad" and forgot what she ate or wiped her ass with while she was doing it. The phrase is used in place of "your dad" or "your father" when addressing the children. This is an attempt to cast away all blame on "Mom of the year" and cast all misfortune on "The dead beat dad". Using laws written in the 1920's and 1930's, perfect moms are able to go to court, get a sizable portion of "dead beat dads" paycheck, give him the honor of being able to see his kids every other weekend, or at the last minute when mama's "going out", then re-enforce to the kids with cute little comments like, "Too bad your dad wont spend more time with you", or "I know, I know. Your dad never has any money". This along with many other factors leaves the child with the impression that almighty mom is perfect and dead beat dad, is just that, a dead beat. I mean really, how hard is it to program a 3 year old when you have them 90% of the time and 15 years to work on them. As time progresses, mom of the year usually ends up being 45 years old, looking like hammered dog shit, 6 kids from 3 different dads (all of course are dead beats). She is drunk by 10am on scotch, but thats ok because she has a nice business that she should really incorporate, because all the checks comming in between child support and alimony is a pain in the ass to keep track of. Of course all her problems are associated with the ex's, kids are hooked on drugs, daily gang bangs, and drink like fishes, but hey, they learned from the best huh?! As her tax writeoffs...I mean income producers...I mean kids get older, this is all they know, so the cycle repeats itself. Of course its all the dead beat dads fault, because the "sorry bastard" never spent time with his kids, and if he wanted to see them more he should have fought in court for the right!

Kid#1 Hey pal, why dont you ever talk about your dad?
Kid#2 My mom says he's a dead beat dad and he only wants to see me every now and then.
Kid#1 It must be right if your mom says so huh?
Kid#2 Yea, must be. He never has any money and lives in a shitty apartment anyway.
Kid#1 Doesnt he drive like 3 hours to get you though?
Kid#2 Yea
Kid#1 Man, I wish my dad would spend 10 minutes with me. By the way, You sure have a lot of cool shit. iPod, PS3, clothes, skateboard, cell phone, and scooter.
Kid#2 Yea, my mom is so cool huh?

by Mr. Response February 16, 2006

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dead beat daddy

A dad that is a dead beat

Man, that husband is one dead beat daddy

by Renee September 23, 2014

8๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dead Beat Dad

Is a loser, Broke AF, liar, Fucking Ugly, Shitty at helping provide for there kid. Ghost the mother after giving him multiple chances, ironically has a kid with someone else and the babyโ€™s wore born on the SAME DAY.

Iโ€™m sorry to say but you have a โ€œdead beat dadโ€.

by Fred McBride May 23, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

dead beat grandmom

Promises your grandchildren that you'll pick them up to take them to a special place and never calls or shows up.Lives in the same city or area and never goes and sees them. Doesn't call them on holidays or birthdays.Seeks out other grandkids who live hours away.Claims to be a church goer,while telling lies to there grandchildren and smoking crack. Then lies,and blames it on the mother or father for (their) neglect!

I always see my daughters dead beat grandmom in town, but she always got excuses for why she don't see her granddaughter!

by tellthetruthD August 1, 2012

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Dead beat dad

A cigarette that you let burn down to the filter without smoking or ashing it.

hey man you treatin your cig like a dead beat dad treats his children

by stoniebologna November 29, 2011

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Dead beat dad

Usually a many named Danny, also usually a bald white moon cricket with 30 credit cards and on the brink of getting a divorce

That dead beat dad at the stop last night in the phone with his wife was looking out of breathe when you could hear his skank of a wife bitching and complaining on the phone

by Big nigga bill March 11, 2018

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dead beat baby daddy

loser, sperm donor, jerk who doesnt pay child supprt, still lives with mother, does not work..

i wanted to buy my son a new dresser, but my dead beat baby daddy hasnt paid no money for child support in a year and im deadddd broke!!! aint got no money for extra crap

by Robin e berry October 10, 2008

51๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž