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lord of the debits and credits

one who has completed all the mastery problems in the accounting book.

Mr. Bandino: after you do your work together try and tackle the mastery problem so you can be the lord of the debits and credits.

by Jew McJew May 18, 2006

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Ty's debit card

The item that Benjamin X. Luong had stolen from a forgotten wallet in Tommy B's car.

Ben stole Ty's debit card.

by JusticeForTy January 29, 2017

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conjugal debit

A formal way, sometimes mentioned in court, of referring marital sex.

Apparently lack of sex is enough justification to file for divorce and the the "Conjugal debit" frequency is set to once every fortnight.

Given that you have failed to provide conjugal debit to your spouse, we find the divorce request valid, and must rule in their favour.

by vsousa March 1, 2010

debit tard

One who does not own a debit card.

Cassandra is a debit tard because she does not have the sense to obtain a debit card.

by The Air Band! December 28, 2011

debit card crybaby

when u lose a debit card at a restaurant and start crying so u get free food

my friend rhys is a debit card crybaby. he got free food at state 48

by can't stop the shine September 9, 2021


a woman who is negative on your bank account and provides no other value.

denier: Yeah her heads not great, she spends all day on Instagram, wants me to take her on a vacations, and her upkeep is $1,000 a week.

truth: bro, don't she live with her parents too? She is a debit. dump her.

by theHunchSack July 19, 2022

debit or credit

when someone says "debit or credit?" and swipes their hand across the back of your bare neck.

if you say "neither" when asked "debit or credit" you will be punished :)

by swaggyfaggy- October 21, 2021