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To gain, collect, or acquire something unto your possession.

I am going to obtain an STI from this chick in Chicago, its gonna be rad.

by Dr. Aarben November 10, 2014

51👍 9👎


A word Andrew MacPherson does not know.

Andrew MacPherson can't obtain the understanding of the word obtain.

by guy234587 March 7, 2014

7👍 28👎

Obtain the Grain

just a way for one, ie. me, to flex on yall with their immaculate use of the english language by speaking as the ones important to society do, its the competent way of saying "lets get that bread"

You: Lets get this bread
I, an intellect: Lets obtain the grain

by awholemess January 9, 2019

Lets Obtain the Grain

Instead of lets get this bread lets try Lets obtain the grain

Grocery list: Bread
OK boys Lets obtain the grain

by Lets_obtain_this_grain November 30, 2018

13👍 6👎

obtaining banana soule

To have done it all at this point you are a holy being who shall forever be a god the only way to lose banana souls is to stop tweeting BANANA SOULE and then linking alpharad deluxe channel at least once a day

Yo bro I just heard Ellie just told everyone the easy steps to obtaining banana soule!

by Fire_wall876 November 16, 2021