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Griffin Egan

the guy you either hate or love but it will change day to day.

Griffin Egan stop eating my sperm

by Griffin Egan July 1, 2021

Egan Junior High

Ardis G. Egan Junior High School is a some rich-ass middle school for seventh and eighth graders in Los Altos, California, a rich-ass little town. It is part of the Los Altos School District. Most of Egan's five hundred students live in Los Altos and Los Altos Hills, and are pretty much all asian and white, with a couple blacks and mexicans. Egan is named for Ardis G. Egan, some dude who apparently founded the Los Altos School District. Egan's staff consists of a socially awkward 7th grade history teacher, a homosexual 7th grade science teacher, a kickass 7th grade math teacher who was in the army, an awkward 8th grade history teacher code named LORD HAGGIN who is often confused with the other Egan students as she looks like a 14 year old, an environmentally smug 8th grade science teacher, an 8th grade science teacher who is a flat out flaming douchebag, an 8th grade algebra teacher who will go apeshit over the smallest things, and a lesbian 7th grade PE teacher. This Junior High is as diverse as it gets.

Yeah i'm hella cool, I went to Egan Junior High! And I'm a Californian kid so I say hella!!

by Egan Student June 5, 2009

250๐Ÿ‘ 136๐Ÿ‘Ž

Doris Egan

1. Also known in the "House, M.D." fandom as "Saint Doris".

2. She wrote 37 episodes of the show, and gave House/Wilson shippers something to blush about.

3. A writer with a keen eye for subtext (and apparently, a brain full of it).

We get an entire episode, "Son of a Coma Guy", full of House/Wilson subtext, thanks to Doris Egan.

by soundandfury January 14, 2008

22๐Ÿ‘ 286๐Ÿ‘Ž

Egan Junior High

Basically the whole school's rich white/asian kids and their only hope of fun is getting the hell outa town,getting high, or feeding off gossip of guys flooding hotel rooms, girls giving guys blowjobs and who's going out with who that week. Bunch of hot girls. Bunch of self-absorbed jocks. Hella nerds and freaks. 90% kids that think they're cooler than they really are and wouldn't survive 10 minutes in a REAL school. But hey, we've got good lunches and test scores. Don't worry bout funding, our parents are minted.

"Dude where you go to school again?"
"Egan Junior High"

by Some Egan Kid August 13, 2009

44๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

Egan Junior High

Egan Junior High...
The mother load of snobby rich kids. although about 25% are nice the rest think they are the shit. they are not the shit. this school has good grades and smart-ish people (aside from the basic white girls) so it hasn't been burned to the ground by society. any teacher or staff member that the students don't will usually be gone because they're rich and successful parents complain to the administrators and get their way.

Human 1: What school did you go to
Human 2: Egan Junior High
Human 1: Lmaooo how big is your mansion

by ipmdiabod3.14 August 29, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Miles Egan

Miles Egan is such a leng man and we need more pictures in the miles-nudes chat

Miles Egan is sexy as fuck

by AllahFem June 4, 2022

matty egan

The best person in the world there is 1 person and he is the best

Matty Egan can do everything

by Matty Egan November 27, 2017