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An Egan is a guy who has the best smile. Although shy at first, he is a great conversationalist. He is sometimes unsure of himself, but once he finds his groove he is a Rockstar! Egan finds beauty in all things. He is a hippie by nature and has an old soul. Egan's tend to be self sufficient guys, always trying to do everything by themselves. Whenever you need a friend to talk to, Egan is the guy. He always knows how to make you smile and says all the right things.

Have you met Egan?

YES! He is a great friend.

by TheOriginalLimeSkittles April 30, 2018

79๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


An Egan Is a person who is very tall and tans nicely and is handsome. Has been seen with a wondering mind sometimes dozes off unexpectedly. has an incredible imagination. Does impersonations of just about anything.. very observant. Is a good guesser can be a detective one day. moderatly athletic can play any sport well enough. moderately smart can complete any AP class you throw at him. Will cheer you up when your down will keep a positive attitude and makes a great leader. Also an irish name. is irresistable to any woman. great small talker. once was attacked by a great white shark and won. Defeated King Kong on the Empire State building and Godzilla is portrayed because of Him. Dropped the atomic bombs ending world war two also won a champion boxing match with Muhammed Ali also heald the middle heavy wieght championship bealt against Rashad Evans and Rampage Jackson in the UFC beat Micheal jordon in a one on one Basketball Match wouldnt be afraid to show his feminine if he had one ran 10 marathons in a day without any water or food traveled every desert with nothing but the clothes on his back Swam 4 miles without taking a breath wrestled a grizzly bear and won climed to the top of mount Everest, mount St. Helens, and mount Etna he has been to every country but 4 and has gotten to shake 8 presidents hands in the museums he is allowed to touch the art and change them as he so pleases all in all the Egan is a very special breed of people

Woman 1: wow that man is gorgeous!
Woman 2: yeah, thats because he is Egan

by themanwiththemagictouch May 27, 2010

195๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


Egan is a type of person that will always do anything to make you smile:) if you fall in love with Egan, he will always hug you. Heโ€™s the type of guy that loves hanging out with his girlfriend other than his friends ๐Ÿ’ž. He will show you off to his friends and make sure everyone knows that your his. If you fall in love with Egan make sure you donโ€™t break his heart:(. Egan always tryโ€™s to make his relationship last but the girls he meets arenโ€™t always truthful. If your dating Egan, donโ€™t be like the rest. Egan is very chill, and plays fortnite a lot ๐Ÿ˜‚.

Person#1: Have you met Egan?
Person#2: No, why?
Person#1: You should, heโ€™s really nice, just know he has a girlfriend tho ๐Ÿ˜ญ.

by Egan ๐Ÿคค December 16, 2018

30๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Amazing friend. Makes great jokes. Has a great taste in everything from ice cream- music. Doesnโ€™t have a lot of confidence but is amazing. Loves kids. Basically just the best person ever. Pretends to be a vsco girl and loves to hammock.Not a man whore. Has red hair and tbh it looks really good on him

Idc that this is โ€œalreadyโ€ a definition Egan

by EganFanGurl.Hammock Hoe. August 18, 2019



Egan is a whore

by Egans bitch September 8, 2020

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


fucks mayonaise jars

that boy joe egan

by weezy-e June 26, 2016

34๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Egan is an amazing girl she beautiful and knows what she wants! She adorable when mad, but can also be kinda scary. If you happen to meet an Egan stay with her forever because she a rare diamond in the rough. Sheโ€™s so loyal and considerate and has the most contagious smiles and laughter! Sheโ€™s beautiful in every way possible. Sheโ€™s athletic and can do anything she puts her mind to! She also has an amazing sense of humor and always knows how to cheer you up!

Hey who was that hotty???

Oh thatโ€™s Egan!

What an Egan?! Hot damn your so lucky!!
I know right?!

by Knowledgeable person October 20, 2019