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1) One of the shittiest and over-hyped guitar companies in the world.

2) In addition to #1, they suck.

Jerry: "Craig, I just bought my fagbaby a Fender!"
Craig: "Nice job, dickwad, now he's going to be just as gay as you."
Jerry: "WHAT?! What do you think I should have bought for him?"
Craig: "A Rickenbacker."

by TehMonny May 14, 2007

38πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž


When you are coming off an extreme swamp hangover and nothing but the most unhealthy food will get you back on your feet

Bro #1: holy shit man that party in the 'Cuse was loko
Bro #2: ya dude im pretty sure I still can taste the chunder from this morning, could totally go for some fender right now
Crazy Carney: Well howdy-do folks how about some good 'ol 'merican deep fried oreos!

by ragnar117 February 29, 2012

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


fender makes shoes....

fender sux ass

by spoonalliance April 23, 2007

4πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Fender Booger

Another word for the ice and snow that build up under the fenders of your car or bike and then fall off in your garage and melt YEECCHH all over everything.

Harvey's Oldsmobile was so encrusted with Fender Boogers that he could not turn a corner.

by CableHills January 23, 2007

158πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Fender Ketchup

Another word for roadkill. Gets its name from a Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas mission "Fender Ketchup" in which the player must scare a mobster that is tied to the hood of their car.

"That deer became fender ketchup".

by flashadams November 12, 2006

Fender Jaguar

The Fender Jaguar is an electric guitar created in 1962 by company founder Leo Fender.

Based on the Jazzmaster which had a late-1950's surf rock following, the aim was to take the existing blueprint and make it more suitable for that genre. The neck's length was reduced, more switches were added for more tonal options, brighter pickups were used and a special device called a mute was created.

These extra features gave the guitar far more attack and a very aggressive percussive tone. Sadly, the Jaguar also had technical problems due to a complicated bridge design which affected the sustain and could render the guitar nearly unplayable if not set up just right. Both of these factors originally made the guitar very unpopular compared to the simpler and allegedly more versatile Stratocaster and Telecaster, and the instrument was cancelled after thirteen years in production.

But thanks to grunge-era heroes Dinosuar Jr., Sonic Youth, Nirvana and Pavement, these guitars enjoyed a slow but steady surge of popularity for their unusual looks, sounds and affordability compared to other vintage Fender instruments.

Many indepedant builders have created solutions for the more problematic design aspects, and Fender itself has released different variations in the past decade, made in America, Japan and most recently Mexico.

The Jaguar is still considered a "cult" instrument but more and more players are finding it is the best guitar for them.

Timmy: "Dude, I just got myself a Japanese-made Fender Jaguar. It was a little tricky to set up but the tone, looks and feel are amazing! I like it better than my other Fenders now."

Kenny: "Sweet. I've always wanted to get one of those."


Popular upgrades for the Jaguar include fitting a Mustang bridge or a Mastery bridge to replace the original, adding a Buzz Stop, changing the pickups and replacing the electronics. All of these change the tone and feel but can make the guitar more versatile and reliable depending on the player.

by zackpliskin November 10, 2009

28πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

sam fender

sam fender is one of the most talented and amazing artists to ever exist. he’s so funny, entertaining and adorable. he got a really beautiful and interesting voice and he’s so beautiful inside and out. he’s also an underrated artist who deserves more recognition but i’m sure he will get THAT recognition and support really soon because he’s going to save the music industry in 2019 and nobody is ready. yohoo!!

sam fender is releasing his first album on september 13th, don’t forget to buy and stream it.

by greasyspoon28 August 24, 2019

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