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A Carney is someone who specializes in tricky business. Usually a cash business without refund. Intention of selling something you don't really need. Who will overlook safety of the Carnival rides in order to make a buck. A person who is only qualification is to lie, cheat and steel from anyone who will be taken advantage of. Scum of this earth. Usually having poor hygiene. A disrespectful person who have nothing to actually be happy about. A person who has no real friends.

This ferris wheel is fine! We just had it fixed three years ago from another unqualified Carney. We need to make money, who cares about safety. Freak accidents happen! Hahaha!

by Smart 13 February 16, 2015

211πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


Carney is a damn good best friend. Carney will be that one friend that always puts that smile on your face. Carney uses inappropriate humor to cheer you up and it works every time. Carney has this look that they give you and you can automatically know what they are thinking. Most the time it's about food or someone hot or judging someone across the room. Carney will be the one that's always there and is a caring friend.

Really wish I had a friend like Carney

by That one athletic girl February 29, 2016

21πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Carney is a great place to live, not to far from both Parkville and Perry Hall. Us kids are not the snobs walking around Perry Hall nor are we the kids running the streets late at night in parkville, we are in between but still able to have lots of fun!

Britany Lane, where everyone lives ! Playing Flashlight tag until the latehours of the night, Swimming in the pool no matter how dark or how cold it was. This was the life, growing up in Carney

by J-J-0 August 21, 2005

45πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Someone who works at a carnival usually someone strange like the bearded lady or the kid with lobster hands.

Friend: Bro let’s go to the carnival there’s some cool shit there and it’s only 10$!

Me: Hell ya you tube sock looking fuck, just be careful the carney kid with the lobster hands doesn’t pinch ya!

by Chodechild89 September 1, 2021

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Corndog Dispenser.

Look mommy, the Carney is bent over the corndogs must be ready!!

by Munster1 December 2, 2013

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A form of human that is unaffected by any sort of spear/bullet. This is a rare human being, but if you can find one, cut off the left big toe! It will bring you good luck for ever and ever, and give you 5 minutes of invulnerabilty at any time u need. One of several ways to spot a carney is to look for the tiny penis bouncing around between its legs, with a wild Rachel chasing it.

I wish my Carney toe would have came with 6 minutes of invulnerability

by Casey Hungsowell April 2, 2007

19πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


A carnival worker. Usually an adult male or female missing two or more teeth or possibly missing two or more of their limbs. They are masters of their craft which usually involves pulling a lever to make a ride move or pushing a button to make a ride stop. Most carneys enjoy a tasty marlboro red and the beer of their choice while operating the rides.

Bob: Hey lets go ride the ferris wheel!
Sue: We can't. The carney operating the ride is passed out.

by urge311 August 21, 2013

24πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž