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The really hot and sexy dork. The one that all Asians love. He is the shit. All guys hate him because he is to good for them. Not a pot head, but will do pot every so often. Girls love him, Especially Asians. Has a big penis, just what the girls like.
All the girl want to fuck him.

Your such a Frank.

by SexiiDork October 19, 2009

140๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


A very adventures sex move where you spit in your partners ass hole and suck it back out. When this is done, their soul is yours and they will be forever known as the girl (or guy) that got franked. This atrocious act was invented by a man named frank in Hawaii. This is not for the faint of heart.

"dude why is Lisa acting all weird and doing everything for frank?" "oh her? frank franked her last week and her soul is his." "ohhhh makes sense"

by frankthetank26 January 21, 2018


A person that likes to have a good time,even if it is at the expense of someone else. Usually picks up the tab for his closest friends, Sometimes is considered the life of the party; during down-time this person will rest up for the next good time and think up ways to harass his friends (a very kind hearted person with an evil side)

Hey that person was so funny and cool he should have been named Frank

by Frisco421 February 21, 2009

216๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž


Noun: A strong silent type. Equally enjoys getting outside for exercise such as Ultimate Frisbee or staying home and playing COD. Extremely good sense of humor.... once you get to know him and he talks to you! Usually is a fan of a football team NOT from where he is from. Loves his family and shows his feeling through actions not words. Enjoys humor such as Family Guy and can name most of the characters from Star Wars, always up for a zombie or sci fi movie. His faults are he can't stand ignorant people and sometimes people mistake his silence for anger. Loyal, caring and sensitive, this is the kind of guy a girl ends up marrying, she just has to get past the hard exterior.

A: Hey who's that cute guy?
B: Oh that's Frank.
A: Does he ever talk?
B: Haha yeah. He's really funny, but I think he said maybe four words to me the first couple times we met.
A: Oh hey that girl just went and kissed him. He's taken?
B: Yeah that's his girlfriend. She's so lucky. They'll probably get married, if he ever gets up the nerve to ask.

by MermaidNDisguise August 26, 2010

750๐Ÿ‘ 361๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best friend anyone can ask for. Nice to everyone but if you get on his bad side he will make your life misrable. A complete romantic and makes you feel better when no one else can. The most sweet nice caring and kind hearted guy but also very sexy. He has a great smile and has stories to tell that are very interesting. He really cares about you and you would be lucky to have a frank.

Girl: hey ( sadness in her tone) Frank: whats wrong Girl: nothing really important Frank: well i cant let you just sit here all sad and not know so start talking Girl: ok and thanks for caring Frank: well i care about you

by llamacorn lover March 29, 2012

45๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


-To "like" every or many actions preformed on one's Facebook.

-To go down someone's Facebook page and like everything.

The girl just wanted to piss me off, so she franked my Facebook page. She was franking it all night and I got like 30 notifications!

by Frank Triscinocias May 16, 2010

61๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sausage from Germany called Frankfurters.
Related to the glizzy. Can also be called glizzies.

David: Yo look, that kid's eating a hotdog.
Ethan: Bro that's a frank.
David: Glizzy boi.

by lil.capal0t October 10, 2020

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž