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Being filled with fail;
Being pulled from success;
To be left in the middle of something without help;

Her project was going well, but she got Franked.

He was winning the race, but got Franked out of the win.

by AICASF April 11, 2008

60πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


When someone has one-upped a compliment you made to someone else, for no other reason than to be a brown-noser.

Being inappropriately frank.

You: "Wow, you look great in that dress"
Douchebag: "She looks great no matter what she has on"

Bystander: "Dude you just got Franked"

by Zeke December 6, 2010

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


To be taken advantage of, usually in the context of a bet or wager; to walk into a situation and blindly think you can win when you have no chance in reality; to be setup by a devious, plotting adversary.

"When he realized he had given George odds on a bet that had little chance of winning he knew he had been Franked"

by the hudson crew December 3, 2013

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


When you don’t get invited to a certain event.

Rick: Yo john you going to the wedding?
John: what wedding? I didn’t get a invite.
Rick: damn bro you got franked.

by illmatic193 July 20, 2018


It's when you have crappy dial-up and it kicks you off the internet and when you get back on AIM and you get tired of explaing to everyone what happened so you just tell them you franked.

I franked again. Dail-up sucks.

by jimmythefish150 July 15, 2008

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1)(Verb) To be cucked specifically by a relative(i.e cousin.)

Hey bro, I heard you got Franked on Thursday, are you alright?

by Dj shrimp dick July 1, 2022


The act of ripping someone off while being thier best friend, then turning around and being a complete jerk.

Alex bought a new car from David last month. David told him it had the best everything and came with a full warranty. Then the motor blew up and David told him he had no warranty and had to buy a new warranty. Alex got FRANKED.

by POOLMAN SLIM June 30, 2010

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