Source Code

Fuze the hostage

A Russian badass who will slay any furry or thot and will fuze any hostage and his best friend is defender

Fuze the hostage is awsome

by Fuze_the_hostage1 October 4, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Recruit Fuze Charge

When youโ€™re full attacking team in R6 goes recruit with flash grenades, frag grenades, an M249, and super shorty. In order to perform the Recruit Fuze Charge, you must all spam youโ€™re grenades of both types into the objective room then, once the explosion are done and you can no longer be harmed, rush into the room guns blazing hopefully resulting in a match win.

(This best works in small rooms or rooms with multiple doors, be sure to cover each door and have at least one person to a door if their are multiple)

Fuck It. Letโ€™s show them the fury and wrath of the Recruit Fuze Charge and win this match.

by DonutTree November 3, 2021

Melih A.K.A Fuze Tea

Melih is know by many names: Fuze Tea, Maggie, Maggi, Crocky, Dr Oetker, Wessim and Magnum

Ewa, Melih A.K.A Fuze Tea

by SAHBikhdslkjdshlkjfgfdfdfdvcxf March 13, 2018

1๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Should have had a fuze bitch

Most gay assholes hit you in the head and say "should have had a V8", next time well try hitting someone in the balls and say "sould have had a fuze bitch"

Elliott: (Kicks mason in the balls)

Mason: Fuck

Elliott: Should have had a fuze bitch

by chubbychaser37 October 24, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A red signal light used by railroads to warn some one about an approaching train.

Jay look out for that fuzee, your games are weak and tired.

That fuzee is letting you know enough is enough. Grow a sack kid.

Fuzee lights are warning you about that up coming train to your station if you don't stop your childish games. Stay out of our computer hax.

by GKPizzle***;) April 26, 2010


That one funny man that bombs heretics and hostages

Man 1 - I fucking hate fuze

Man 2 - Yea me too

by A_Compleate April 13, 2021


Fuze : Cluster charge Go boom

Ash : autistic Screaming

FuZe go thonk thonk thonk thonk thonk thonk thonk thonk thonk thonk thonk thonk thonk

by Doc is love doc is life August 22, 2020