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The Golden Rule

One of those classic "viable only in theory" philosophies that doesn't stand up in the real world.

Two huge problems with The Golden Rule are:

(1) You cannot know what someone else prefers, so if you try to do for him what you yourself like, this does not mean that said choice of actions will be at all pleasant/agreeable for him.
(2) Few folks are actually going "practice the Golden Rule back to you", so if you attempt to "do the right thing" and give someone what you would want if you were in his shoes, he will likely just view you as a foolish sucker and take shamelessly advantage of you --- he will simply "take, take, take" from you till he's totally drained you dry, then stomp off in a huff without even a single word of appreciation or acknowledgement, and feelinglessly look for his next naive soft-heart whom he can exploitingly victimize for his own selfsish personal gain.

by QuacksO April 5, 2019

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golden rule

He who has the gold makes the rules

When your child askes you about the golden rule you could say "do onto others as you would want them to do onto you." or you could say "He who has the gold, makes the rules"

by Spencer McGrew December 6, 2005

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The Golden Rule

"Treat others the way you wish to be treated."

It seems that most politicians -- especially Joe Biden and Donald Trump -- have forgotten The Golden Rule. It's time to reintegrate it into society once more.

by Someone who kinda exists August 9, 2021

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golden rule

This describes the lack of homosexuality when two guys are having sex that includes a female.

It's okay when it's in a three way. It's the golden rule.

by Diggity Dog May 29, 2011

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golden rule

For older gentlemen, always going to the bathroom to urinate before leaving home, work, etc.

Cliff always observes the golden rule before going anywhere.

by Mountain Swamp December 22, 2006

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The golden rule

Don't fuck with the people that handle your food.

That botch forgot the golden rule so I gave her some dick cheese for that salad

by Waiting101 February 7, 2017

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Golden Rules of Life

1. Bob's Golden Rule of Life #1 - Women Get It When They Want. Men Get It When They Can.

2. FOPEA - Females Obviously Prefer Egotistical Assholes.

3. The Harry/Sally Rule - "Men And Women Can Never Truly Be Friends Because The Sex Part Always Gets In The Way."

4. Naked Curiosity Rule - Males Always Desire Seeing Female Acquaintances Naked... Always.

5. All Availability Rule - Regardless of their own status, men are fundamentally averse to encouraging a relationship between any woman and any other man.

Guy 1: "Men and women are so different. I wish we had a manual to decode eachothers behaviour"

Guy 2: "We do! The Golden Rules of Life!"

by bobandbill April 7, 2011

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