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Look At Me music

Music written for no purpose other than for the singer to brag about how rich they are.

Rapper: Look at me I have lots of money
Other person: shut up, nobody wants to hear your Look At Me music.

by O' Chungus February 24, 2023

Don't look at me!

if you are really Insecure of what you look like then you would say this so that one person would just stop looking at you since they are a threat and make you feel bad and insecure about themselves or if that person is really creeping you out when they look at you.

Ugly girl: *stares at guy*
Guy: don't look at me!

Girl: *looks at fat or ugly guy*
Insecure guy: don't look at me!

by oliviakl April 15, 2016

3๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Don't look at me with that tone of voice

An expression used to describe how someone is standing or, acting wile looking at you in a intense way , generally in a negative way .

I was walking with my girlfriend and I checked out another chick . I looked back at her and she looked pissed. I responded to her don't look at me with that tone of voice ! You we're looking at her to.

by dragonboy8586 December 14, 2019

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Look at me! I'm the Captain now.

A quote from Captain Phillips by Muse towards the Captain.

"Look at me! I'm the Captain now"

Muse:"Look at me! I'm the Captain now."

Captain Phillips:*silence*

by Scott2357 June 5, 2016

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Look Back at Me

During Sexual Intercourse in DoggyStyle Position the One on their knees glances back at their partner.

"..Look Back at you for what I'm thrina concentrate on bussin' me a nut.."
-Trina; Look Back at Me

by Phayze93 March 2, 2009

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look me out

To do a favor for someone; help them out in a situation

Ilyas: Are you going to be late for work today?
Eric: Yeah man, look me out and tell the boss my car broke down

by Kabooooooommmmmm February 22, 2017

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Oo look at me going for the easy shots

โ€˜Oh look at me going for the easy shotsโ€™ someone that just got butthurt over an insult and is now trying to parody the person that spited them.

Generally used by faggots with shit beard

Guy 1: aww man look at this old pic of me from 3 years ago simpler times with a shitty beard
Guy 2: suppose nothings changed beard wise.
Guy 1: oooo look at me going for the easy shots

by Nigelisgay January 8, 2020

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