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Significant Brother

A committed partner in a long-term bromance.

Dirk: Hey, you wanna go to the bar tonight?

Lewis: Maybe but I'll have to check with my significant brother first.

by mommysdirtypillows October 20, 2009

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significant mother

A bit intrusive mother...

-Do you have a flatmate?

-No, but my significant mother passes by sometimes...

by clΓ©ment. January 18, 2009

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significant other

Having a "special someone" in your life who causes you to submit gag-inducing, flowery descriptions of them to UD; usually descriptions include how amazing they are at their sport of choice, how large their genitalia are, and how incredibly hot they are. May also include line about how they are occasionally a jerk.

Jill: OMG! I'm going to send UD a def about my significant other Ryan, because he's just SO hawt and sexay, and he's so awesome at football, and he gives such good head! Except when he's a jerk, I mean.

by Antipoet41 June 30, 2011

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significant blubber

A large- sized or obese boyfriend, girl friend, spouse, or romantic partner

He showed up at the wedding reception with his significant blubber significant other obese partnern tow.

by Cosmicbloo August 29, 2017

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Significant Other

Someone you don't have.

Okay you probably do. Significant other is someone that you love, someone you feel affectionate towards. Someone you proudly call yours and also the person who proudly calls you theirs.

How sweet.

Some guy: Hey, you single?
You or literally anyone: I have a significant other. Therefore, I am not single.
Some guy: .....Three-wa-
You or literally anyone: Absolutely not.

by Professional TikTok Ruiner October 27, 2019

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Significant other

Sociological term defined as a person who's thoughts and ideas of you as a person effect you most greatly.

I really care what Karen thinks about my new life choices, so she is my Significant Other.

by a someewhat smart guy August 26, 2009

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significant other

when you're "dating" only one person, but the official title of boyfriend/girlfriend does not exist.

karen: so you and nick are dating?
me: no. he's my significant other.
karen: what's that?
me: we only see each other but we don't have the official title. i.e. he's my significant other.

by miss monique June 13, 2008

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