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Something that forcibly imposes itself on you at a time when you don't want it.
Example: Facebook Messenger's extremely annoying popup notification that superimposes itself over everything else you are doing on your smart phone and has to be uninstalled in order to stop it.

I installed Facebook Messenger on my smart phone because I was forced into it with Zuckerberg's monopoly on social media and all, but I decided I would rather swallow glass than have to endure the annoying app -- and uninstalled it within 12 hours because it was so damn intrusive.

by CrazyIvoryPounder August 13, 2014

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Intrusive thoughts

Terrible thoughts that are repetitive and could come into your mind at any time without a warning. Also referred to as “Devil's Whispers”. A common symptom of OCD, but not always is. It easily convinces everyone around you that you’re going insane.

Someone 1: *Gets a panic attack*
Someone 2: “U good?”
Someone 1: “Nope. I had that same stupid intrusive thought for the 100th time today”
Someone 2: “Just be positive and your intrusive thoughts will go away”

As you can see, “Someone 2” has no idea what an intrusive thought is, and thinks it’s controllable.

by ComeToBrazil85 September 6, 2022

arctic intrusion

A sexual act, in which an ice cube is inserted into one's anus at the point of climax.

I had to kick her to the curb. She kept begging for an arctic intrusion and it was just too weird.

by Mr. Marvin Pancakes III January 5, 2015

intrusive thoughts

An asshole who lives in your brain telling you to do good things

Intrusive thoughts be like:
Bad thought: have you ever imagined killing your brother.......
Me: da fuck you talking about I dont have a brother...

by FlamgooopscoopdoopE October 30, 2019

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intrusive thots

hoes that break into your house and demand to suck peepee

I wanted to get some rest last night, but then i was attacked by intrusive thots in my sleep.

by Intrusive Mishka October 28, 2021

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intrusive ads

Used when referring to ads on a website or app that are so intrusive, for example, if they cover a large portion of the page or if they're full screen. Or if there are so many on the page. The only way to get rid of them is to install AdBlock.

Kyle: I'm not using EasyBib anymore, they have intrusive ads and they force you to click on them.
Chris: Yeah, and in order to disable them, you have to subscribe to EasyBib Pro for $10 a month.

by The Real Driller July 7, 2020

Intrusive Therapy

An absolutely epic name for a band, and also an alternate ship name for Remus Sanders x Emile Picani.

Person #1: Bro are you going to that Intrusive Therapy concert?
Person #2: Of course man, they’re awesome.

by B0WT13S July 22, 2020