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covid nomad

A COVID Nomad is a person that travels to or is stranded in a different country than their own country or chooses to abandon citizenship and flee to a country with the desired pandemic response.

The Covid Nomad didnโ€™t like the rules or stress of his/hers state so he/she booked a flight to Mexico.

I flew to Cozumel Mexico from California; I guess now Iโ€™m a COVID Nomad.

My local beaches were closed, my gym was closed, my bar shutdown and my basketball hoop was taken down so now Iโ€™m going to move to Brazil & call myself a Covid Nomad.

by snarkyharkyshow November 3, 2020

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urban nomad

A new generation of worker/travellers, they transplant themselves to new cities across the globe following the next big career opportunity.

She was born in London, but got a promotion and moved to Amsterdam and now New York. She's a bit of an urban nomad.

by miss_marni August 22, 2008

74๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nomadic Pimpin

In the event of a zombie apocalypse or alien invasion women will only slow men down which will potentially result in death. Also it will be highly inconvenient to deal with them on their periods. "Nomadic Pimpin" is the act of sticking with one group of women (and having sex with them) then ditching them after two weeks for your own survival and moving on to another group of women where you then repeat the cycle.

"I still want to have sex in the zombie apocalypse but don't want women's lack of survival skill to kill me, so I will just do some nomadic pimpin"

"Women are going to suck to deal with during a zombie apocalypse"
"Bro, that's why we're nomadic pimpin"

by Nomadic Pimp December 27, 2011

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social nomad

Someone that constantly moves from one social circle or clique to another.

He's moved thru four different squads on two years, what a social nomad.

by Kinney Morgan February 29, 2016

nomadic soul

The one who is not mad, but people think he is because he is just likes to wander around. That is his sole purpose on this earth.

He is just a wanderer man; a pure nomadic soul.

by Nomadicsoul July 13, 2014

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Nomadic Loser

Somebody who moves schools because they are known as a loser.

That new kid is a nomadic loser.

by The Man with No Name November 8, 2017

Nomad Capitalist

Someone who follows global trends and moves his/her money, business, and/or person to the country or countries where they are treated best. They don't stay in a country that overtaxes them or deprives them of freedom just because its "patriotic". Someone who seeks out the best opportunities anywhere and takes advantage, never becoming complacent.

Bob's family moved from Zimbabwe to the United States, only to find out the government is taking away their economic freedoms. So they moved to Singapore and opened a bank account in Switzerland. They're Nomad Capitalists.

by Nomad Capitalist March 22, 2013

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