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Ofcourse the ignorant outsider will see Amsterdam as one of the few places in the world where prostitution and smoking pot are legal. However, the capitol of The Netherlands is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, with a very rich tradition. The city center consists of mainly warehouses built a few hundred years ago. It was that the ships set out to explore the Americas and the far east. Nowadays, people are among the best English speakers in Europe and the city is one of the safest places I know. It's a multicultural example for the rest of the world.

Amsterdam was a thriving city when New York was a puddle of mud - and it shows.

by Rubbaduck January 28, 2004

1866๐Ÿ‘ 410๐Ÿ‘Ž


Adult disney land. Magical place full of cool friendly people. Best place ive ever visted.

Waving bags of weed around in a police station and not getting in trouble for it. for real i did this and it felt great.

by sja March 2, 2004

1286๐Ÿ‘ 302๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Capital of the Netherlands. Most known as the Jamaica of Europe, because of the legalization of marijuana. The government in Amsterdam differentiates marijuana from other hard drugs (cocaine, heroin, crack, etc) Other things that are legal are prostitution, (selling sex for money) Euthanasia, (assisted suicide) and absinthe. (a drink illegal in America, because it causes you to hallucinate) Amsterdam is famous for its red light district. The people are known for speaking English very well, as well as Dutch. To Americans it seems like heaven!

Amsterdam is heaven.

by <julien> January 14, 2007

303๐Ÿ‘ 125๐Ÿ‘Ž


The last place on earth where things make sense.

Guy 1: Want to meet me at the cafe to get some studying done?

Guy 2: Sounds like a plan, just let me dip into the brothel real quick, I'll meet you in like 20 minutes.

Guy 1: Long live Amsterdam.

by themeista July 11, 2008

139๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž


A city where weed and prostitution is legal

Amsterdam= Nice ass retiernment place

by ac February 14, 2004

426๐Ÿ‘ 224๐Ÿ‘Ž


Where its at. Where I thrive to be. Truley the happiest looking place in the world. sex,drugs,and rock n' roll all thriving and legal.

Fuck. I need to go back to amsterdam, america sucks.

by chaabangg June 25, 2005

190๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž


A city in Holland where there is legalized prostitution, marijuana, and pretty much everything else. You can drink, smoke, and fuck at 16.

When I was 15 I went to Am-Dam and smoked a joint of salvia than saw hookers in glass cages...good times.

by Blitz September 1, 2003

306๐Ÿ‘ 200๐Ÿ‘Ž