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Bic My Shit

To shave one's privates.

Occasionally, Dave would pull down his pants and underwear and inspect his junk. If he discovered it was an unsightly, hairy mess, he would pull out a disposable razor and yell, "Michelle, I'll be down in a minute after I Bic my shit".

by Blumpster September 30, 2009

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watch my shit

A common pharse said to one of your friends when you are leaving for a second to use the bathroom go to the vending machine etc... You entrust your valuables like your northface bag, your coat, ipod or anything that could be stolen in your absence.

Jake: Yo Ima go take a piss watch my shit please
David: Ight

by ibehigh4u March 28, 2011

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Flip My Shit

To become excessively scared, angry or in some cases happy. Is said by many YouTube commentators, such as theRadBrad.

Man, playing Dead Space 2 makes me flip my shit every time.

If that chick over there keeps laughing, I might have to flip my shit!

When my dad bought the PS3 home, I flipped my shit!

by KateraChanChan August 21, 2011

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Oh My Shit

An exclamation that combines the emotions of:
1) Oh My God!
2) Shit!

Usually used when you are feeling both of those things simultaneously...

Guy #1: "Dude, I just bought myself a brand new H2".

Guy #2: "Oh My Shit! Have you lost your fucking mind? That gas-guzzling monstrosity is such a limp-dick-mobile!"

by Migrant Mind October 15, 2004

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Sellin my shit

When you’re playing a video game and your teammate or teammates perform terribly causing you to lose the game

Y’all sellin my shit this is why I don’t like playing with randoms

by Corey Huncho June 17, 2020

Grips my shit

When a person or act is found to be so annoying that it actually creates discomfort, almost as if someone is gripping internal organs.

He really is beginning to grip my shit.

by The East Stand Crusader September 25, 2003

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Pissing on my shit

When you try to start a conversation with a girl and she makes it awkward or stops it. Kind of like a cockblock but in conversation form.

"Hey, what 's your favorite food?"
"Oh, I don't know"
"Stop Pissing on my shit!"

"Oh I got that guy's digits!"
"Why do you always have to piss on my shit?"

by hintfo March 4, 2012